Migrate - Dashboards

Updated by Stefenie Stockbridge

The Migrate - Dashboards settings allow Instance Administrators to configure standard Dashboards and Reports, create custom Dashboards and Reports, and enable the Estimator Dashboard.

Accessing Migrate - Dashboards

  1. From Settings, expand RPA Management and select Migrate - Dashboards

Scope Modal - Call Tree Process Limit

Instance Administrators may change the scope modal (call tree process limit) by adjusting the default value of 200 as needed.

Enable Estimator Dashboard

Instance Administrators may enable the Estimator Dashboard by toggling the checkbox on. Admins may also choose to enable automatic calculation of Estimations upon Import or leave it as a manual action on the part of the user.

Custom Dashboards and Reports

Instance Administrators may link to and embed external BI reports and dashboards into Blueprint. To begin:

  1. Select Custom tab
  2. Toggle on Enable Custom Dashboards
  3. Enter the name of the Custom Dashboard or Report
  4. Enter the title of the Custom Dashboard or Report
  5. Enter the public URL of the Custom Dashboard or Report

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