
Updated by Stefenie Stockbridge

Analyze Home Page

While within the Analyze section of Blueprint, the Home Page can be accessed by clicking on the Blueprint icon in the top left.

The Analyze Home Page displays high-level, aggregate information on all RPA processes that have been imported to Analyze. Clicking any pie or bar chart will take you to the corresponding page or tab so you can see more information about it.

Title Bar Navigation






  1. Apps
  2. Compliance
  3. Opportunities
  4. Reviews
  5. Tests
  6. Runs
  1. Tags
  2. External Apps (only in Analyze - PAD)
  3. Native Apps


This section provides information on all individual imports to Blueprint Analyze.

  • The terminology seen in the user interface is dependent on the RPA solution you are utilizing.
    • Flows will be seen for Power Automate Desktop (PAD) processes.
    • Automations will be seen for UiPath processes.
    • Processes will be seen for Blue Prism processes.
  • Users can filter, enable, disable, and reorder columns in the table.
  • If the user has set up their GenAI settings, another field called Find Processes with AI will appear on the left. Users can type in a natural language prompt to search for processes that meet specific criteria.
  • To manage processes, select the desired processes using the checkboxes in the left column, click the Actions dropdown, and choose Delete to remove any processes you no longer wish to track.

Table Glossary




Currently, three different kinds of indicators are supported:

  1. Review Status – displays the current Review status of the given process
  2. Anomaly Detected (PAD only) – displays when anomalous behavior has been identified it the Flow’s recent run history
  3. Updated (PAD only) – displays that the PAD flow has been updated since it was imported to Analyze


Name of the Flow/Automation/Process


Number of Subflows/Sub-Processes/Pages in the current process


The number of [Actions/Activities/Stages] that exist in the current process


The total about of Exact Matches and Close Matches that can be turned into reusable components


Percentage of actions in the Subflow/sub-process/page that are cloudable


The number of Compliance violations found in the given process


Number of Native and External applications the process interacts with

Import Date

Date the process was imported into Blueprint Analyze

Environment (PAD only)

PAD environment the Flow belongs to

Last Modified Date

Last modified date of the process

Last Modified By (PAD only)

PAD user who last modified the process


Tags applied to the current process


Risk level of the current process

Version (UiPath only)

Displays the UiPath version of the current process

Reimport (Analyze - PAD Only)

*Reimport is available exclusively in Analyze - PAD.

Flows that have been imported to Blueprint Analyze via Microsoft Dataverse will have an additional option in the Actions dropdown called Reimport. If the user has set up their Dataverse Synchronization and Service Account Secret settings, Blueprint will be able to identify if the process has since been updated in the Indicators column.

If you would like to overwrite the existing process to have the newest version, simply select any flow that has the “Updated” icon and select Reimport from the Actions dropdown.



The Apps page displays all Native and External apps accessed by any process within the instance.

Native Apps

Applications that your RPA platform supports natively.

Table Glossary




Application Name



Assigned Risk of the current application


Number of [Flows/Automations/Processes] that interact with the given application

Click to display all processes that use application


The number of [Actions/Activities/Stages] that interact with the given application


External Apps (Analyze - PAD Only)

Applications that your RPA platform interacts with using generic actions (e.g., Run Application, Launch Browser). Some of these may overlap with Native App interactions.

*External Apps available exclusively in Analyze - PAD.

Table Glossary




Application Name



The URL or Path of the accessed application


Assigned Risk of the current application


Number of [Flows/Automations/Processes] that interact with the given application

Click to display all processes that use application


The number of [Actions/Activities/Stages] that interact with the given application


The Compliance page displays all processes with compliance violations.

Table Glossary 




Name of the Compliance Violation



Description of the Compliance Violation


Threshold the process must meet to be considered compliant


How important the Compliance Violation is to your organization

Non-Compliant [Flows/Automations/Processes]

Number of [Flows/Automations/Processes] with Compliance Violations

Click to display all non-compliant processes


The Opportunities page displays potential opportunities for reuse or cloud transformation across all processes.

Card Glossary (Top)



Reusable [Subflows/Sub-Processes/Pages]

Number of Subflows we recommend to be reused, either because they are exact duplicates or very close



[Action/Activity/Stage] Savings

The total number of actions in the flow could be reduced if reuse is implemented

Estate [Action/Activity/Stage] Savings

The number of actions the estate could be reduced if reuse is implemented


Percentage of Cloudable actions

Cloudable [Subflows/Sub-Processes/Pages]

Number of Subflows whose Cloudable percentage exceeds the CloudableThreshold (Release 7.6)

Cloudable [Actions/Activities/Stages]

Number of actions in the flow that are Cloudable


Graph Legend (Middle)

Subflows with Highest Reuse Savings

Top 5 Subflows with highest amount of savings that can be achieved through reuse

Cloudability of Largest Subflows

Top 5 Subflows with highest amount of Cloudability

All Flows/Subflows/Automations Opportunities - Table Glossary (Bottom)



[Flow/Automation/Process] Name

Name of the process



Name of the sub-process





Number of sub-processes that are a reuse match to the current sub-process.

Can be clicked to see list of all matches


Number of matching actions

[Actions/Activities/Stages] Saved

The total number of actions the flow could be reduced by if reuse is implemented

Cloudable [Actions/Activities/Stages]

 Number of actions in the flow that are Cloudable


Percentage of Cloudable actions


Native Applications interacted with in the sub-process.


The Reviews page allows users to view all processes in the instance along with their review status.

By default, "My Reviews" is toggled ON, displaying only the reviews where the user is a designated reviewer. To view all reviews, uncheck the box to toggle this option OFF.


The Tests page allows users to see all Tests for all processes in their instance. 

Table Glossary




Name of the Test


Test Status (PAD Only)

Only applicable for Automated Tests. Displays whether the Test is ON or OFF


Displays the type of Test (Automated, Manual, or AI Generated Manual)

Creation Date

Date the Test was created. Can be modified by clicking the Test value and manually adding a description.


Displays a custom description for the current Test. This must be entered manually by clicking the Test value.

Environment (PAD Only)

Only applicable for Automated Tests. Displays the PAD environment the Automated Test runs in


Number of Runs the Test has performed

Latest Run

Status of Latest Run (Succeeded, Failed, Not Available)


Flow being Tested

(Test) Runs

The Runs page displays data on Runs for all processes that have an associated Test.

Table Glossary




Name of the process



Result of the test (Succeeded, Failed)


Only applicable for Automated Tests. If Failed, displays the specific Test Case that failed


Name of the Test


Displays the type of Test (Automated, Manual, or AI Generated Manual)


Start datetime of the Run

PAD Last Modified Date (PAD Only)

Last modified Date of the PAD Flow

Owner (PAD Only)

Owner of the PAD Flow



Only applicable for Automated Tests. Percentage that displays the total actions in the flow that were executed in the Test Run

Environment (PAD Only)

Only applicable for Automated Tests. Displays the PAD Environment the Automated Test runs in

Log (PAD Only)

Only applicable for Automated Tests. Click to see a sequential list of all actions that executed in the current Run. Also displays if the action has an associated Assert, and if the Assert Succeeded or Failed

Successful Asserts

Only applicable for Automated Tests. Displays the total number of Successful Asserts for the given Run

Failed Asserts

Only applicable for Automated Tests. Displays the total number of Failed Asserts for the given Run

Not Executed Asserts

Only applicable for Automated Tests. Displays the total number of Asserts that did not execute for the given Run


Flow Activity (Analyze - PAD Only)

The Flow Activity page operational data on all PAD Flows that have been imported to Analyze and that have run in the connected Environment. For more information, see this article.

Users can choose different time ranges from the center dropdown.

Card Glossary



Total Flows

Total Flows that have run data in the connected environment


Total Runs

Total Runs of all Flows

Total Successful Runs

Number of Successful Runs

Total Failed Runs

Number of Failed Runs


Chart Glossary



Total 5 Failed Flows

Total 5 failed Flows. User can hover to see more details.

Total 5 Errors

Displays the top 5 most common errors. User can hover to see more details.

Top 5 Queued Flows Duration

Displays the top 5 flows sorted by time spent in status Queued

Top 5 Flows by Execution Duration

Displays the top 5 flows sorted by execution duration

Top 5 Flows by CPU

Displays the top 5 Flows by CPU usage

Top 5 Flows by Memory

Displays the top 5 Flows by Memory usage


Table Glossary




For a given flow, certain metrics are considered anomalous if they are +/- 3 standard deviations away from the mean. If a run has 1 or more anomalous behavior found, this flag appears.


Name of the Flow


Datetime the run started


Status of the run (Succeeded, Failed)

Error Rate

The number of Failed Runs divided by Total Runs for the Period


Sum of Queue Time + Execution Time

Queued Duration

Time the flow spent in status Queued

Execution Duration

Total time for the Flow to execute


CPU usage


Memory Usage

Error List

If Failed, displays the error message


Machine that ran the Flow

Last Modified

Last Modified Date of the Flow


Mode of the Flow Run (Attended, Unattended, Local)


Local runs will not display information on Queued Duration, Execution Duration, CPU, or Memory. Because this data doesn’t exist for local runs, these metrics are not flagged anomalous.



The Tags Management modal enables users to create custom tags that can be applied to any process.

  • To create a tag: Click the Create button in the top right corner and follow the prompts to create your tag.
  • To delete a tag: Select the tags you wish to delete using the checkboxes on the left, then click the Action dropdown and choose Delete.
  • To edit a tag: Click the pencil icon next to the tag name.
  • To view associated processes: Click the tag name to see all processes assigned to that tag.

External Apps

By default, Assess identifies all External Applications accessed by any process within the instance.

  • External Apps are applications that your RPA platform interacts with using generic actions (e.g., Run Application, Launch Browser). Some of these may overlap with Native App interactions.

From this modal, users can click on an identified External App to edit its name and assign a risk level for the accessed application.

*External Apps available exclusively in Analyze - PAD.

Native Apps

By default, Assess identifies all Native Applications accessed by any process within the instance.

  • Native Apps are applications that your RPA platform supports natively.

From this modal, users can click on an identified Native App to edit its name and assign a risk level for the accessed application.

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