REST API - Delete User Request

Updated by Stefenie Stockbridge



Deletes all specified users.

URL Structure


Supported Methods

HTTP Status Codes

  • 200: OK
  • 207: Partially Successful
    • Some of the users could not be created. Refer to the codes in the response for the reason for each unsuccessfully added user:
      • 1192: A required value is missing or invalid: username, display name, first name, last name, password.
      • 1193: The user was created, but could not be added to a group.
      • 1194: The assigned Instance Administrator role does not exist.
  • 400: Bad Request
    This error can occur for a variety of reasons:
    • At least one URI or request body parameter is invalid, such as one of the Filter, Traces, Offset or Limit parameters.
    • A required value has not been provided.
    • If you are submitting a POST or PATCH request and have not added the X-HTTP-Method-Override parameter to your request header.
  • 401: Unauthorized
    • The Blueprint token is missing, invalid or expired.
  • 403: Forbidden
    • The applicable permissions are needed. For example, this error can occur when:
      • An Author or Collaborate license is needed for access.
      • Comment permissions are needed on the artifact.
      • Edit permissions are needed on the change summary job.
  • 409: Conflict
    • Reason for failure can be found in the response body. Additional information may also be found in the log.


XML Example

Request URI

Request Body

<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<Users xmlns="">

Response Body

<UserAddResults xmlns:i="" xmlns="">
<Message>User has been successfully deleted.</Message>
<Groups />
JSON Example

Request URI

Request Body


Response Body

"User": {
"Type": "User",
"Id": 22,
"Name": "Fanvid",
"DisplayName": "David",
"Firstname": "David",
"Lastname": "Gao",
"Title": "Tester",
"Department": "RD",
"Enabled": true,
"Email": ""
"Message": "User has been successfully deleted.",
"ResultCode": 200
"User": {
"Type": "User",
"Id": 31,
"Name": "noviseth",
"DisplayName": "Novina Sethuraman",
"Firstname": "Novina",
"Lastname": "Sethuraman",
"Title": "Tester",
"Department": "RD",
"Enabled": true,
"Email": ""
"Message": "User has been successfully deleted.",
"ResultCode": 200

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