Updated by Stefenie Stockbridge


What Blueprint licensing model is my site using?
See Licensing in Blueprint to learn how to determine your licensing model.
​How many Bot activation licenses have I used / do I have left?
See Licensing and Activity Reporting to learn how to identify used and remaining license counts.
Will a bot license be used if I activate a process multiple times?
No. Blueprint detects if an identical component has been imported before. It will be flagged as a 'duplicate', separated out on Dashboards and Reports, and will not consume additional bot activation licenses.
Do "hidden steps" consume Blueprint licenses?
No. Some RPA tools allow users to disable or hide code steps. Since Blueprint doesn't migrate these, they do not consume licenses.
What causes a "Licenses Running Low" warning to be displayed?
When a user attempts to Activate processes and the number of remaining licenses is low (e.g. approximately 80% consumed), Blueprint will display a warning message to ensure license consumption status transparency and to prompt users that additional licenses may need to be procured to continue the migration effort.
What causes an "Out of Licenses" error to be displayed?
When a user attempts to Activate processes that require more licenses than are available, the user will receive an error message indicating that there are not enough unused licenses for the requested Activation operation and that the selected processes will not be Activated. Additional licenses must be procured to continue the migration effort.
How can I procure additional licenses?
Please contact your Blueprint Sales Representative, Customer Success Manager, or Blueprint Support.

How To's

How do I activate and export a Bot?
How do I reset my password?
How do I create a new project in Blueprint?
How do I export a Blueprint report?

How did we do?