Applications Report

Updated by Stefenie Stockbridge

Accessing the Applications Report

The Processes Using Application Report (bottom) displays a table with information about applications used by processes within a selected Scope (Project or Folder).

  1. Choose RPA Dashboards and Reports dropdown in the main header.
  2. Click Applications.
  3. Select Per Process View or Per Call Tree View from the Views dropdown.
Per Process View will only contain the items within the Project, Folder, or Process selected.

Per Call Tree View will search for dependencies of each Main or Root process and add them to the current scope, even if they weren't in the initial folder or process selected.
  1. Select the desired scope on the top right by clicking Change Scope and click on OK. For more information, see Using Scope and View.
  2. Scroll down to the table view and review Processes Using Application report. Each report has a search functionality, can be sorted by column, and can be exported to excel via the Actions dropdown.


Below are the columns headers and what they represent:

Column Name



The name of the process.

Total Actions

This is the combined number of Commands, Decision Branches, Includes, and Variables the Digital Blueprint has.


This is the number of steps (not including decision branches or includes) the Digital Blueprint has.


This is the number of unique variables the Digital Blueprint has.

Decision Branches

This is the number of decisions within the Digital Blueprint. This includes if's, if/else, and else branches.


This is a count of the number of Includes the Digital Blueprint has.  Typical use of an include is to “call” another process.


This is the Cyclomatic Complexity of the process.  Refer to Cyclomatic complexity - Wikipedia.


This is a count of the number of applications the process is interacting with.

Exporting the Applications Report

The Processes Using Application report can be exported to an excel file for further analysis.

  1. Click on Actions dropdown
  2. Select Export All Actions to Excel, Export Current View to Excel or Export Command Frequency to Excel
    1. Export Current View to Excel exports the table exactly as is in Blueprint to an excel document.
    2. Export All Commands to Excel report provides a comprehensive overview of action mappings in an Excel format. It displays every command from each process within the selected scope. This report export includes:

    Column Name


    Process ID

    Blueprint ID Number


    The hierarchy the process originates from

    Process Name

    Name of the process


    What application is being used for the current action


    Command name in Blueprint's Common Object Model

    Step Name in DGB

    Name of the Shape once imported into Blueprint's Common Object Model

    1. Export Command Frequency Excel detailed information about the occurrence count of each command in Excel format. This report is designed to help users grasp the frequency associated with each command for every process within the selected scope. This report export includes:

    Column Name


    RPA Product

    The name of the source RPA Tool.

    Source Application

     The application name in the respective source RPA tool

    Source Command

    Command name in the source RPA tool


    Application name in Blueprint's Common Object Model


    Command name in Blueprint's Common Object Model

    Step Count

    The total number of occurrences of a specific command within the selected scope.

    Process Count

    The total count of bots within the selected scope where specific commands occur.

  3. Navigate to the Jobs tab on the main header.
  4. Click on Download icon () on the right side of the row.

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