Version 5.0 Release Notes

Updated by Stefenie Stockbridge

Version 5.6

GA Date: Dec 23, 2022

RPA Migration Enhancements:

  • Automation360 Imports:
    • Updated A360 folder names on export​
    • Updated RPAImportLog
  • AAv10/AAv11 to PAD:
    • Before-After​
    • Active Directory Enhancements
  • Blue Prism to Automation360:
    • Web Applications & Selectors​
    • UI actions (MSAA and Win32)​
    • File/Folder Compression​
    • SAP actions​
    • Outlook VBO actions​
    • DateTime conversions​
    • Clearer TODO comments for unmapped or missing VBOs
  • Blue Prism to PAD:
    • Outlook VBO actions​
    • String Operations Mappings​
    • External XML VBO​
    • Collection Manipulation VBO
    • Expressions involving Dates​
    • TODO Comment before Password actions​
  • UiPath to PAD:
    • Text Mapping​
    • Email Mapping​
    • File Mapping​
    • Window Mapping​
    • Database Mapping​
    • Folder Mapping​
    • Compression Mapping​
    • MS Outlook Mapping​
    • Active Directory Mapping​
    • Classic Desktop Application​
    • Error Handling​
    • Excel Mapping​
    • Loops​
    • Basic Conditional support​
    • Clipboard Mapping​
    • Passing arguments between multiple workflows​
    • TODO Comment for Password actions
  • Dashboards:
    • Statistics Dashboard:
      • Created new report called Code Block Report in the Statistics Dashboard. Details out the number of code blocks, lines of code, and language used in each process of the selected scope
      • Can Toggle Touchless Mapping Percentage on/off from admin portal
      • Can Toggle COM Mapping Percentage​ on/off in admin portal
    • Application Dashboard:
      • Added column to the Processes Using Application table in the Application Dashboard called Application Details. Provides additional details like browser used when application says "Browser"
    • Discussions Dashboard:
      • Created the Discussions Dashboard which allows a user to see all discussions associated with them.
  • System Reports - The System Reports tab in the Admin Portal has various reports that provides information for Instance Admins regarding license usage and how Blueprint is used within the organization.
    • License and Activity Reports:
      • Moved from Admin > Advanced Settings to System Reports
    • User Lists:
      • Provides information to Admins regarding all users created within the Blueprint instance. Useful for tracking who has access to the product, if they are active, and what roles/groups they were assigned.
  • UI Enhancements:
    • Bot imports are organized alphabetically in folders
    • COM actions are organized alphabetically
    • Updated File Upload modal
    • Switched positions of Import/Export and System tabs in Jobs

Version 5.5

GA Date: Sep 30, 2022

RPA Migration Enhancements:

  • Blue Prism to Automation360 - Blueprint can now migrate a majority of structure and actions from Blue Prism to A360, including:
    • Variable support, variable operations, expressions, if's, loops
    • Excel actions
    • Email (POP/SMTP/Outlook) actions
    • Error Handling
    • Arguments
    • Text expressions
    • Logic expressions
    • Active Directory
    • File/Folder actions
    • Windows actions
    • Collections and collection manipulation
    • Support for Go Tos
  • Map Extended VBOs to Standard VBOs - Users can map their extended VBOs from Blue Prism to Standard VBOs to increase mapping percentages on migration
  • AAv10/AAv11 to PAD:
    • Added support for SUP GUI actions from AAv10 and AAv11 to PAD
  • Various selector enhancements for all migration paths
  • Dashboards:
    • Operational Dashboard:
      • Added ability to export table in Operational Dashboard to excel via the Actions dropdown
      • Added ability to customize grading Health Score in Admin Portal
      • Added filters and column sorting
      • Added support for AAv10 Operational Data import
    • Custom Dashboards:
      • Added support for users to add custom visualizations in Dashboards via iFrames in the admin portal
    • Statistics Dashboard:
      • Added ability to export the current view of the Statistics Dashboard to excel via the Actions dropdown
    • Application Dashboard:
      • Search bar now can search through all columns
    • Shareable dashboard links - Dashboard links can now be shared by users in the same instance of Blueprint
  • UI Improvements:
    • Reorganized RPA settings in the admin portal
    • Consolidated dashboards dropdown

Version 5.4

GA Date: Jul 22, 2022

RPA Migration Enhancements:

  • Automation Anywhere v11 to Automation360 - Blueprint can now migrate a majority of structure and actions from AAv11 to A360, including:
    • Basic variable support, variable operations, expressions, if's
    • Excel actions
    • Email actions
    • Error Handling
    • Arguments
    • Text manipulation
    • Active Directory
    • FTP actions
    • File/Folder actions
    • Window actions
    • Database actions
    • PDF actions
  • Touchless Mapping Percentage - Located in the Statistics Dashboards > Process Stats Per Artifact Report. Provides a predictive percentage of how much of a process has migrated that will not need any manual refactoring
  • Toggle for Statistics - Located in Admin Portal > Advanced Settings > Dashboards. Users can now toggle on/off which RPA tool they would like to see statistics for
  • Dashboards:
    • Reuse Report - Added the Reuse Report within the Statistics Dashboard that details out how many times the processes in the selected scope are called by other processes in the instance
    • Missing Processes Report - Added the Missing Processes Report that details if any calls to sub-processes within the current scope are missing
    • Call Tree (Processes vs Objects) - Color coded and provided a legend for users to distinguish between what is a Blue Prism process vs object
    • Application Dashboard Enhancements - Overhauled the Application Dashboard
      • Redefined what the system considers as an application
      • Added new doughnut charts:
        • Processes by Application - Count of how many processes are using each application
        • Steps by Application - Count of how many steps are using each application
      • Added 3 new tables:
        • Processes Using Application - Displays process name, application used, and what actions are using said application
        • Application Usage - Displays application, number of processes using each application, and how many steps are using each application
        • Steps by Top 10 Actions - Top 10 most used actions per application
      • Ability to export all tables in dashboards to excel via the Actions dropdown
  • Operational Data - Added ability for users to see Operational Data for live processes
    • Users can import data via csv file, or via API
  • Project Export/Import:
    • Can export/import projects between 5.x instances of Blueprint
    • Can import any 12.0-13.0 version of Blueprint to 5.x
  • General:
    • Default user session timeout has been decreased from 2 hours to 30 minutes to be more in line with industry security recommendations.

Version 5.3

GA Date: Jun 10, 2022

RPA Migration Enhancements:

  • Blue Prism COM mapping - In this release, more support has been provided for a variety of actions and applications when migrating bots from Blue Prism to Microsoft Power Automate Desktop including:
    • Logical functions
    • OLE DB actions
    • Excel actions
    • Preserve type and details of current exceptions
    • Removed the Blue Prism Best Practices Template as it was causing errors on export
    • Fixed migration export of Blue Prism processes with multiple entry and exit points
  • Power Automate Desktop Go To Labels - Changed the naming convention of Go To labels in Power Automate Desktop exports so it's easier to follow
  • Call or Embed Settings - Added option in the admin portal to call all sub-processes or go with the previous implementation of system recommended when exporting a process with sub-processes that could have been called or embedded.
  • Dashboards:
    • Size vs Complexity Chart - Added a chart on the statistics dashboard page which plots a scattered graph for "number of elements" vs "complexity" for a selected scope. The dots in the scattered graph indicates various processes in the scope. Hovering on the dots reveals the name of the process.
    • Download Call Tree - Added option to download a call tree for the selected scope. The call tree also helps identify processes and objects with different icons placed adjacent to the process names.
    • Applications vs Process Report - Added the Applications vs Process Report within the Statistics Dashboard that shows various applications that a process is interacting with. It also shows the "total number of applications" in a process and the "total number of steps in the application".
  • Process Editor Enhancements:
    • Select Tasks - Added option to select more than one task holding Ctrl in Windows or Command on Mac.
    • Condition Label - Label becomes visible even if there is no text to help the user to identify where they can type in case they want to add a label.
    • Add Task - Added option to add a task between task and condition.
    • Add Condition - Added option to add a condition between the merging point and the endpoint.

Version 5.2

GA Date: Apr 26, 2022

RPA Migration Enhancements:

  • UiPath Export structure updated to Sequences - In this release, exporting to UiPath was updated from flowchart to sequences. This allows for the following benefits :
    • Better readability of the exported processes
    • Aesthetically cleaner than the previous implementation of flowcharts.
  • UX/UI
    • Show the full number for number of processes and Elements on the Statistics Dashboard.
  • Reviews: this feature allows for quick and easy organization-wide collaboration and also facilitates the formal approval of plans and requirements before they are sent downstream for delivery. In this release, Blueprint now enables users to create quick reviews directly from artifacts/collections and descendant views with fewer clicks.
  • Audit Logs: An option to download logs is now available on the "Advanced Settings>License and Activity Reporting" tab on the Admin page that allows the users to download a consolidated user report. This user report consists of details of all the actions that were done by specific users while using Blueprint.
  • Publish version with Comments: In order to give the users better visibility of different versions of an artifact, Blueprint now offers the ability to add comments to every published version. Additionally, in the History Tab users can filter by versions with comments only or the ones they created, as well as compare side-by-side two versions of an artifact.
    • Ability to do a side-by-side comparison if two versions are available
    • Filter versions with comments or user-versions only
    • Current label is displayed
    • "Edited" label is added if the original comment is changed
  • User Stories generation: from the new Process Editor, users are now able to generate user stories. This feature generates artifacts under the main process. A user story artifact captures a description of a software feature from an end-user perspective, effectively creating a simplified description of a requirement.
  • Test Cases generation: from the new Process Editor, users are now able to generate test cases. This feature creates a CSV file detailing all the possible flows in a Process.

Version 5.1

GA Date: Mar 18, 2022

RPA Migration Enhancements:

  • Automation Anywhere Migration to Microsoft Power Automate - In this release, more support has been provided for a variety of actions and applications when migrating bots from Automation Anywhere to Microsoft Power Automate Desktop including:
    • Open and activate Excel by specific sheet name
    • Wait for Window to Open/Close
    • Get XML XPath expression
    • Change Image Recognition Actions to TODOs
  • Automation Anywhere Migration to UiPath – In the 5.1 release of Blueprint, added support has been provided for a variety of applications and actions when migrating bots from Automation Anywhere to UiPath, including:
    • Support for Keystrokes
    • Improved the support for expressions, like SQL queries using variables, and Automation Anywhere System Variables
    • Addition of TODOs for unmapped variables
    • Support for Window Actions (Activate, Close, Maximize, Minimize and Get Active Window Title)
  • Blue Prism Migration to UiPath:
    • Support to work queues
  • New Process Editor Design: To deliver a better experience to users, the process editor has been redesigned. In the latest release, the process view is vertical and space was optimized to display more actions in a single screen. The concept of system responses was modified to a system state, aligning with the approach used for the design of process automations. Additionally, system states are displayed in the same action pop-up.
  • MS Graph API support: In order to enable customers that no longer use IMAP and SMTP email protocols, Blueprint messaging functionality now supports Microsoft Graph API to send emails.
  • Cancel Jobs: in this release, we provide the ability for users to cancel Import/Export jobs. Additionally, administrators can set a timeout for DocGen in the Instance Settings. This will help clients in cases of long-running jobs that can cause performance degradation on the web server.

Version 5.0

GA Date: Jan 28, 2022

RPA Migration Enhancements:

  • Automation Anywhere Migration to Microsoft Power Automate - In this release, more support has been provided for a variety of actions and applications when migrating bots from Automation Anywhere to Microsoft Power Automate Desktop including:
    • Initialize/Reinitialize Value and List Variables from Text File
    • Initialize/Reinitialize Random Variable
    • No longer migrating Credential Manager Variables
    • No longer migrating AA Encrypted Password fields
  • Automation Anywhere Migration to UiPath – In the 5.0 release of Blueprint, added support has been provided for a variety of applications and actions when migrating bots from Automation Anywhere to UiPath, including:
    • Exception handling enhancements to support AA advanced options
    • String Operation Before-After
    • Conversion of System Variables like Date and Time
    • Arguments to sub-flows
    • Excel scoping
    • HTML e-mails
  • RPA Dashboards:  Ability to export data from the Statistics dashboard to CSV
  • Digital Blueprint API: extension of Blueprint API to create DGBs

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