Version 6.0 Release Notes

Updated by Stefenie Stockbridge

Version 6.6

GA Date: Dec 1, 2023

RPA Migration Enhancements:

  • UiPath to PAD:
    • Mappings:
      • Classic Browser Close
      • Power Point Application Scope
      • NKeyboardShortcut
      • WaitImageAppear
      • GetProcesses
    • Enhancements:
      • Support for Browser Scopes (If not Open, NeverOpen, and Close)
      • Support for Multiple Browser Open and Close Instances
      • Using the Set Window State parameter within PAD Launch Browser action
      • Support for Named Excel Cell/Range parameter in PAD
      • Use .NET script to initialize complex variables when .NET expressions are used
      • Terminate Application now closes by application title
      • Support for Named Excel Cells as Expressions from UiPath
      • UiPath Import File name is now name in PAD export
      • Optimized conditionals
      • Updated TODOs for clarity
  • Automation360 to PAD:
    • Mappings:
      • DLL: Run Function
      • DLL: Open
      • Email
      • Legacy Automation: Run Script
    • Enhancements:
      • Updated TODOs for clarity
  • BP to PAD:
    • Mappings:
      • GetScreenshot
      • GetFiles
      • Collection Manipulation actions
      • Collection actions
      • Environment actions
    • Enhancements:
      • Multiple bprelease can now be imported if zipped
      • Support for multiline SetVariable for a Collection
      • Updated TODOs for clarity
  • Dashboards:
    • New design for entry point to dashboards
    • The Statistics Dashboards > Mains Report is now only available in the Per Call Tree View
    • Differentiate between Studio and StudioX bots in Command Frequency and All Commands to Excel reports
    • Aggregate stats for Per Call Tree View in Statistics Dashboards
    • Applications Dashboard > Processes Using Application now shows application name in Application Details column
  • In Tool Estimator:
    • Added a new column called "Duplicate" to exportable "All TODOs and Compiler Errors" report. Column will identify if a specific TODO or Error has already appeared for that process. These can be filtered out to only see unique TODOs
    • Streamlined calculating Labor Cost
    • Added "Advanced" dropdown to Estimator when Project is in Calculation state
  • RPA Framework Mapping:
    • Support for mapping CustomActions and DLLs to any supported script action
    • If mapping ID does not exist for CustomActions, Blueprint will check if namespave and activity name has been imported. If so, Blueprint will use the body of the imprted procses as logic for the called external flow and will save that ID to the mapping sheet
  • Other:
    • Added feature to Bulk Generate reports across multiple Blueprint projects
    • Support for multiple external flows in a single Solution File
    • Failed imports now show original file name
    • Passwords can now be migrated depending on status of toggle in Admin Portal
    • Calculation Jobs can now be cancelled
    • Non bot/resources are hidden by default on Import
    • Support for PADs new Solution File Build. Users on PAD version 2.32 or earlier will no longer be able to export to Solution File
    • Implemented project limit of 100,000 actions to address performance issues
    • Removed "Touchless Mapping Percentage"
  • Microsoft Flowbuilder SDK version: 2.10.2618

Version 6.5

GA Date: Oct 13, 2023

RPA Migration Enhancements:

  • UiPath to PAD:
    • Mappings:
      • Log Message
      • Attach Browser
      • String Encoding
      • Invoke .NET code to Run .NET script in PAD with arguments
      • Current Row as Excel Range
      • Close Excel parameter
      • SQL Statement Email Filtering
    • Enhancements:
      • Improving and optimizing conditionals
  • Automation360 to PAD:
    • Mappings:
      • Data Table
      • Window
      • Email
      • Terminal Emulator
      • Finally
      • Record Assign
    • Enhancements:
      • Generating Reusable Subflows for 1 to many mappings from A360 to PAD
  • BP to PAD:
    • Mappings:
      • Merge Data Table
      • Collection - Get Row Count
      • Collection - Count Rows
      • Collection - Append Rows to Collection
      • Delay between keystrokes parameter
    • Enhancements:
      • Can now declare environment variables through Framework mapping
  • BP to A360:
    • Mappings:
      • Email
    • Enhancements:
      • Improving and optimizing conditionals
      • Support for Japanese characters
  • Dashboards:
    • Redesigned and streamlined the scope picker
  • In Tool Estimator:
    • Updated default parameters
    • Replaced existing charts in UI with Planner Form
    • Added Reports "Effort - Big and Complex First" and "Maintainability"
  • RPA Framework Mapping:
    • Can now download mapping template for variablized subflow calls
    • Added Checksum to artifact description
    • Added Namespace of project libraries to artifact description
    • Added ability to map TODOs/ERRs/Robin
  • Other:
    • Added "Permanently Delete and Purge" functionality to Admin > Advanced > Instance Settings > Instance Maintenance
    • Increased the amount of artifacts that could be created from 4 to 10
    • Added "Migrate Disabled Code" toggle in Admin > Advanced > Instance Settings > Import Export
  • Microsoft Flowbuilder SDK version: 2.10.2618

Version 6.4

GA Date: Sep 1, 2023

RPA Migration Enhancements:

  • UiPath to PAD:
    • Mappings:
      • Take Screenshot
      • Check/Uncheck
      • Image Found
      • Get Attribute
      • Send Email (StudioX)
      • Receive Email (StudioX)
      • Data Table actions
      • SendOutlookMail
      • SAP Actions
      • Finally Sequences
      • Terminal Actions
    • Expression Support:
      • Simple Date Time exppressions
      • DT.Rows.IndexOf​
      • Boolean.Parse
      • DT.Copy
      • StrConv
      • PadLeft
      • InStr​
      • new MailMessage()
    • Enhancements:
      • Support for output variable type "Element"
      • Simplified Copy File mapping
      • Use "Run .NET Script" for expressions
      • Introduced Regions for increased readability
      • Fixed "Can't be empty" errors
      • Fixed "Syntax Errors"
      • Name Selectors after UiPath Display Name
      • Simplified and optimized use of wrapper subflows
      • Generate reusable subflows for activities that migrate to PAD as more than 10 actions
      • Activities that migrate to PAD as many actions (30+) now mapped to .NET code blocks
  • Automation360 to PAD:
    • Mappings:
      • Wait for Element to Exist (parameter)
      • Capture Desktop
      • SAP Actions
      • Step Actions
    • Enhancements:
      • Introduced Regions for increased readability
      • Added A360 line number for unmapped TODOs
      • Place Initialized Subflow Variables and Output Variables in Regions
  • BP to PAD:
    • Mappings:
      • Wait - Element Exists/Not Exists
      • Multiple Wait - Elements Exist
      • Close Current Workbook
      • Process Exists
      • Get Table Items
      • .NET code now migrates to "Run .NET Script in PAD"
    • Enhancements:
      • Fixed "Excel Session Not Mapped" error
      • Empty Blue Prism folders no longer import
  • Dashboards:
    • Renamed metrics for better consistency across platform
    • Increased performance of Change Scope load time
    • Change Scope - Call Tree selection is now read only
    • Users can now see the call tree for unactivated processes
    • Estimator Dashboard:
      • Added additional customizable metrics
      • Added "Effort- Per Process" report
  • RPA Framework Mapping:
    • Added Blue Prism as a source Platform
    • Can now map UiPath CustomActions to script in PAD
    • Auto-create and map Reusable External Flow
  • Other:
    • Added option to export PAD bots as Solution files
    • Added comments with recommendations to use RPA Framework Mapping in exported processes
    • Added additional information to TODO comments
  • Microsoft Flowbuilder SDK version: 2.7.2405

Version 6.3

GA Date: Jul 14, 2023

RPA Migration Enhancements:

  • UiPath to PAD:
    • Mappings:
      • Datatable
      • Get Value, Get Text, Get Full Text
      • Check Element State Appeared/Disappeared
      • On Element Appear/Vanish
      • Classic/Modern Take Screenshot
      • Write Line
      • Get/Set Dynamic Value Property
      • Parse Dynamic Value
      • Interruptible Loops
    • Expression Support:
      • Strings (Join, Left, Right, Mid, Len)
      • Datatable Select
      • Convert.ToDateTime
      • Double/Decimal Parse/TryParse
      • Directory methods
      • File methods
    • Enhancements:
      • Support InvokeWorkflowProcess with dynamic file name
      • Support for DynamicValue Variable Type in migration
      • Improvements to State Machines
      • Variablized selectors
        • Migrate partially variablized selectors
        • Add a TODO for fully variablized selector to review and refactor if needed
      • Support Complex output variables
      • TODO Adjustments - Modified TODOs to more accurately represent the true amount of remaining work
      • Reduced the amount of error conditionals if one one catch block is used
      • Adding Regions
        • Regions will map from UiPath Sequences and Flowcharts. Name of Sequence or Flowchart must be greater than 2 characters AND must have more than 2 actions
        • Also adding regions for some 1 to many mappings
      • Referencing Named Cells workaround
      • Default Parameters no longer migrate to PAD as separate actions
      • Various Excel, Outlook, Variable, Selector bug fixes
  • Automation360 to PAD:
    • Mappings:
      • Windows
      • SAP
      • Datatable
  • BP to A360:
    • Mappings:
      • File/Folder
      • Excel continued
      • Email continued
      • Collections continued
      • Web continued
    • Enhancements:
      • First migration from BP to A360 no longer creates a timestamp suffix. Subsequent migrations will create timestamp to avoid overwriting processes inadvertently
      • Optimized code regarding Error Handling and Conditional
  • Bot Licensing
    • Created new type of Bot based licensing
  • RPA Framework Mapping
    • Metabots:
      • On migration, Blueprint will now auto create External Flows for Metabots if they do not already exist in PAD. Supports the same set of Actions as Task Bots
    • UiPath:
      • On migration, Blueprint can map Custom UiPath Activities to External Flows.
    • All:
      • Users now have the option to manually identify which processes should migrate as an external flow vs a subflow and override any settings in the RPA Framework Mapping sheet
      • Information needed to call existing PAD Flows in future exports will automatically be added to the RPA Framework Mapping Sheet
      • On migration, Blueprint will now automatically create input/output variables and add them to the RPA Framework Mapping Sheet
      • DLL invocations can also be mapped
    • UI:
      • Adding UI support to upload, view, and download mapping sheets for both AA to PAD and UiPath to PAD
  • Dashboards:
    • Estimator Dashboard:
      • Created new dashboard called Estimator Dashboard. This dashboard delivers estimated timelines for users to prepare bots for production following migration.
        • Dashboard can be toggled on/off from admin portal
        • Reports of Current View or All TODOs and Compiler Errors can be exported to Excel
    • Export Call Tree:
      • Call Tree is now viewable from Dashboards, Process Artifacts, or Mains report.
      • Call Trees now show missing processes and reusable components
      • Call Trees can be exported to Excel
    • Other:
      • Exportable Command Frequency Report now shows if actions are mapped to PAD, UiPath, or A360 on export
      • Added ability to export Current View of Mains Report
      • Added Complexity metric to Mains Report
      • Reorganized columns in Process Stats Per Artifact Report so all Action related metrics are together
      • Added hierarchy to Code Blocks Report

Version 6.2

GA Date: May 26, 2023

RPA Migration Enhancements:

  • UiPath to PAD:
    • Enhancements:
      • Throw/Rethrow Enhancements
      • UIElementExists in Retry Scope Support
      • Continued Complex Expression Support
      • Annotations Migrate as Comments
      • Improve PAD Code Readability
      • Changed name of UiPath export to PAD main flow names to match parent folder
    • Mappings:
      • Get Environment Folder
      • Get Environment Variable
      • Multiple Assign
      • Set Value
      • Get Full Text
      • Get Active Window
      • Deserialize JSON
      • Send Hot Keys
      • Modify Date
      • Read Range from Excel
      • Log Message
      • Wait attribute
      • On Element Appear/Vanish
      • Get/Wait Attribute (Web and Windows)
      • Wait Element Appear/Vanish (Web and Windows)
      • Set Focus/Activate (Web and Windows)
      • Classic/Modern Take Screenshot (Web)
      • Classic Take Screenshot (Windows)
      • Get Active Window
      • Zip/Unzip Actions
      • Folder Actions
      • File Actions
      • List Actions
      • String/Text Manipulation Actions
      • Dictionary Actions
      • Extract Table (Web)
      • Web Actions
      • Collections Actions
      • Word Actions
      • Complex Excel Actions
  • Automation360 to PAD:
    • Mappings:
      • Wait
      • Task Successful/Unsuccessful Conditionals
      • System Actions
      • Dictionary Actions
    • Enhancements:
      • Complex Variable Support
  • BP to A360:
    • Enhancements:
      • Import more complex BP structures
      • Subtasks now shown as dependencies in A360
      • Use Advanced Excel actions in A360
    • Mappings:
      • Kill Process
      • Send Key/Global Send Key
      • Collection Assignments
      • Collection Manipulation Actions
  • BP to PAD:
    • Enhancements:
      • Expressions improvements
      • Variablized Column in Custom Object support
  • RPA Framework Mapping
    • Can download RPA Framework Mapping sheet from Admin Portal
    • RPA Framework Mapping sheet viewable in Admin Portal
  • System Reports - Added the folloing reports
    • Project Activity: Shows the last time a project was modified.
    • User Roles: Displays all users in the instance, group membership, roles, and the role attributes.
    • Artifact Map: Displays artifact type, artifact base type and all standard properties used.
    • Project Usage: List of all projects and the count of instance level standard artifacts within the project.
  • UX/UI
    • Only Mains in process call trees on export are auto-selected
    • Default selections on import wizard for Process, Document, and Folder
    • Added Variable Prefix Toggle default setting in Admin Portal

Version 6.1

GA Date: Mar 31, 2023

RPA Migration Enhancements:

  • Automation360 to PAD:
    • Windows Mapping
    • Database Mapping​
    • File Mapping
    • Loops
      • While/Do While Loops
    • Try/Catch/Finally
    • If Conditions Support
      • Boolean & Number
      • Date
      • List
    • Email/Outlook actions
    • Excel Mapping
    • Wait Mapping
    • Text Mapping
    • XML Mapping
    • Web Mapping (Commonly used)
    • Browser Mapping
    • Datatable Mapping
    • UI Mapping
    • DateTime Mapping
    • Number Mapping
    • List Mapping
  • UiPath to PAD:
    • Active Directory Mapping
    • Log Message support
    • Modern Loop support
    • List Actions Mapping
    • Support for Parrallel and Pick activities
    • Import Improvements
  • AA to PAD:
    • IMAP and MS Exchange Email Support
  • Implementation of Mains:
    • Main processes are now identifiable in all areas with new icon
    • Mains Report created in Statistics Dashboards
    • Scope picker in Dashboards now allows user to pick Path or Call Tree. If Call tree is selected, users can toggle between Roots or Mains based call trees

Version 6.0

GA Date: Feb 17, 2023

RPA Migration Enhancements:

  • Automation360 to PAD:
    • Run Task action support
    • Basic Variable support
    • Folder Mapping​
    • Compression Mapping​
    • Wait for Windows Mapping
  • Import from Blue Prism:
    • VBO Matching on Import - Blueprint will find matches within extended/custom objects to standard objects to increase mapping percentages
    • Now display orphaned stages in RPAImportLog
    • Various fixes to Blue Prism failed imports
  • UiPath to PAD:
    • Japanese language support on import
    • Studio:
      • Windows Mapping
      • Run Stored Procedure Mapping
    • StudioX:
      • Web Applications & Selectors​
      • Basic Excel Support
  • AA to PAD:
    • Run Stored Procedure Mapping
    • Excel: Find and Replace Mapping
    • MWC mapping
    • Support for milliseconds system variable
    • Declaring AAApplicationPath system variable
    • More detail added to TODO: Run Task comment
    • Various Selector migration enhancements
  • BP to A360:
    • Support for complex conditionals
    • Further Web Actions Mappings
  • Action Licensing:
    • Created new type of Action based licensing. Actions are counted after the imported code has been converted to Blueprint's common internal 'language', which ensures consistency. Blueprint Action Licenses are consumed when a Blueprint Process is 'Activated'. The number of licenses consumed when a process is activated equals the number of Actions in that process.
  • RPA Framework Mapping
    • Added ability to export prepopulated metabot mapping sheet from Statistics Dashboards
  • Dashboards:
    • Within all dashboards Blueprint will not show statistics for each processes deemed as duplicates. When importing RPA data Blueprint detects if the identical component had been imported before. It will be flagged as a 'duplicate', separated out on the dashboard statistics, and will not consume additional Action licenses if/when activated.
    • Applications Dashboard:
      • Added hyperlink to process names in the Processes Using Application table
    • Statistics Dashboard:
      • Updated the excel exports of reports within the statistics dashboard for easier use of pivot tables
      • Added new metrics to the Process Stats in Aggregate table
      • Created new report called Copies report in the Statistics Dashboard. The Copies Report lists processes whose contents are 100% the same for the purpose of exposing opportunities for consolidation to improve maintainability and quality.
  • Migrator Product:
    • Added the Relationship tab to the Migrator Utility Panel

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