RPA Data Import

Updated by Stefenie Stockbridge

Before analysis can begin on your RPA estate, you must first import your RPA processes. This is done via the blue Import button that can be found on the title bar. 

Supported import types include:

For Power Automate Desktop
a) Flows (via Dataverse connection) or
b) Solution Files (.zip)
For UiPath
a) .zip or
b) .nupkg
For Blue Prism
a) .zip or
b) .bprelease
For Automation360
a) .zip or
b) .aapkg

When importing a process, if GenAI settings hve been configured and toggle is ON (See Settings and Configuration - GenAI) users will see additional GenAI options

  • Create Process Diagram - Blueprint leverages GenAI to create a high-level process diagram detailing what the bot does
  • Scan for Sensitive Data - Blueprint leverages GenAI to scan for various kind of Sensitive Data in the process. The processes overall risk level is set to High if any sensitive data is found. In the Details > Security section, the additional details on the kind(s) of sensitive data found is displayed.

After submitting an Import, a job is created in Blueprint and a pop-up message will be displayed advising that the operation has been added to the Jobs list. Jobs are processed in the order they were submitted. For more information, see Jobs.

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