REST API - Reply to Comment Request

Updated by Stefenie Stockbridge



Reply to the specified comment.

URL Structure

  • ProjectId: The ID of the project containing the comment you want to reply to.
  • ArtifactId: The ID of the artifact containing the comment you want to reply to.
  • CommentId: The ID of the comment you want to reply to.

Supported Methods

Request Body

The reply must be defined in the body of the request. Read more about how to specify a reply in the request body.

HTTP Status Codes

  • 200: OK
  • 201: Successfully Created
  • 206: Partial Content
  • 400: Bad Request
    This error can occur for a variety of reasons:
    • At least one URI or request body parameter is invalid, such as one of the Filter, Traces, Offset or Limit parameters.
    • A required value has not been provided.
    • If you are submitting a POST or PATCH request and have not added the X-HTTP-Method-Override parameter to your request header.
  • 401: Unauthorized
    • The Blueprint token is missing, invalid or expired.
  • 403: Forbidden
    • The applicable permissions are needed. For example, this error can occur when:
      • An Author or Collaborate license is needed for access.
      • Comment permissions are needed on the artifact.
      • Edit permissions are needed on the change summary job.
  • 404: NotFound
    • Item is not found in the project. For example, this error can occur when:
      • Artifact not found.
      • Artifact type not found.
      • Project not found.
      • ALM target not found.
      • Change summary job not found.
      • User does not have edit permissions for this artifact, project or ALM target.
  • 409: Conflict
    • Reason for failure can be found in the response body. Additional information may also be found in the log.
  • 411: Length Required
    • If the Content-Length header is missing in the request.
  • 413: Request Entity Too Large
    • If the provided file size is larger than allowed.
  • 415: Unsupported Media Type
    • If the provided media type is not of MIME Multipart Content "form-data."
  • 416: Request Range Not Satisfiable
    • If offset points to a part of a collection that is not available.
  • 500: Internal Server Error
  • 501: Not Implemented


XML Example

Request URI

Request Body

<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<Reply xmlns:i="" xmlns="">

Response Body

<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<Reply xmlns:i="" xmlns="">
<DisplayName>Ivan Ivanov</DisplayName>
JSON Example

Request URI

Request Body

"Description": "<html><head></head><body><div><p><span><span>Reply</span></span></p></div></body></html>"

Response Body

"CreatedOn": "2013-10-07T14:32:01",
"LastModified": "2013-10-07T14:32:01",
"Id": 123,
"Author": {
"Type": "User",
"Id": 1,
"DisplayName": "Fatima Ali"
"Version": 0,
"Description": "<html><head></head><body><div><p><span><span>Reply</span></span></p></div></body></html>"

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