Updated by Stefenie Stockbridge

The HTTP POST method allows you to submit a request with request data included in both the URI and the Body of the request. The response includes the requested information in the body of the response.

If you are interested in using POST instead of PATCH or DELETE, read more about how you can override the PATCH method or override the DELETE method and use the POST method instead.

Method Override Example

For example, if you want to include the Filter parameter in your request, you must override the GET method and use POST instead.

To submit information using the HTTP POST method, you must add the following information to the request header to override the GET method.

X-HTTP-Method-Override: GET

Then, you can include request data in the request body. For example, the Filter parameter is always included in the request body using the HTTP POST method:

filter={artifact-type eq (‘UI Mockup');

Python Example

def list_artifacts():
# obtain a token from our get_token() function
token = get_token()

# Of course, this ID would generally come from somewhere else instead of hardcoding it.
project_id = "220870"

# build the resource uri for listing artifacts in a given project
resource_uri = '' + project_id + '/artifacts'

# specify header parameters
'Authorization' : 'BlueprintToken ' + token,
'Accept' : 'application/json',
'X-HTTP-Method-Override': 'GET'

# specify the uri parameters

# create the request uri with the uri parameters
request_uri = resource_uri + '?' + urllib.parse.urlencode(uri_parameters_list)

# create the request body
request_body = "filter={artifact-type eq 'Business Process Diagram';}"

# submit the request using HTTP POST method
response =, request_body, headers=request_header)

return response

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