Process Details

Updated by Stefenie Stockbridge

Process Tabs

After clicking on a process from any page within Analyze, users will be directed to the Details Tab of that process, where they can navigate to any of the other associated tabs.

Header Options

Create Specification

Users can summarize all information about a process in Assess as an exportable document, similar to a PDD or SDD.

To create this document:

  1. Click Create Specification button (on the right side) and select the pieces of information you wish to include. You can also drag and reorder items to organize the content as desired.
    The document can be exported as a PDF or Word file.
  2. For flows imported from Dataverse, users will have an additional option to See Flow in PAD.

Details Tab

The Details Tab displays high-level information about the process, organized by several topics.

General Information



Review Status

Review Status for the process

Last Modified Date

Date the process was last modified

Import User

User who imported the process

Import Date

Datetime the process was imported

Parent Process

For BP and UiPath, this is the name of the process that references this process

For PAD, this is only for visible if the process was imported via Solution file, and displays the solution it belongs to


PAD - Additional Information (if imported from Dataverse)




Owner of the PAD Flow


Displays the PAD Environment the Flow originated from

PAD Last Modified Date

Name of the user in Dataverse who last modified the PAD flow

PAD Last Run

Datetime of the last Run in the PAD environment





Anomaly Frequency (PAD Only)

Displays the number of Anomalies found in Flow Runs within the applied Anomaly Time Frame (see article 2.3.2)


Displays the number of Compliance violations for the process

Native App Risk

Displays the top 3 highest risk Native Apps that the Flow accesses. Native App Risk can be modified from the Title Bar > Manage dropdown > Native Apps (see article 2.5.3)

External App Risk

Displays the top 3 highest risk External Apps that the Flow accesses. External App Risk can be modified from the Title Bar > Manage dropdown > External Apps (see article 2.5.2)

Tag Risk

Displays the top 3 highest risk Tags that the Flow accesses. Tag Risk can be modified from the Title Bar > Manage dropdown > Tags (see article 2.5.1)

Data Privacy

Users can select any kind of sensitive data that the process accesses

Data Classification

Users can select the Data Classification level of the process

Sensitive Data Found ( )

This item appears only if the user has set up their GenAI settings and has Sensitive Data Detection turned ON.

If Sensitive Data is found, click to view which subprocesses are accessing which specific types of sensitive data.






Displays the number of sub-processes that the current process references


Displays the number of actions in the current process


Displays the number of applications in the current accesses


Custom and Legacy Content

This section allows users to add any information that may not have been captured during the import to Analyze.

  • To add new information, click the Add New button in the top right. Users can name the Additional Information section and include any rich text description they like.
  • To add existing legacy documentation, click the Import Document button in the top right. This will allow users to import any word document. Each document section will appear as a new row in the Custom and Legacy Content section.
    • Document sections will appear in the table in the same order they exist in the document
    • Descriptions of the sections will be in rich-text in the side-panel editor
    • Fonts, tables, images, and other rich text elements will appear as they were in the original document

Users can apply existing tags to the current process by clicking the Tags field and selecting from the available options.


Users can add a description to the process. If the user has set up their GenAI settings and has "Enable Summary" turned ON,  they will see an option to Generate with AI. This option creates a detailed summary of the current process, including information on accessed applications.

Subflows/Sub-Process/Pages Tab

This page provides high level details to all sub-processes that are called by the current process.

Table Glossary




Name of the Sub-Process


Display how many Reuse Opportunities available for this Sub-Process


Number of Subflows/Sub-Processes/Pages in the current process


Displays how Cloudable the current Sub-Process is as a percentage

Can be clicked to see all cloudable actions in the process


Displays the number of actions in the Sub-Process


Displays the number of applications the Sub-Process access

Apps Tab

Within the Apps tab, users can view information on Native and External applications accessed by the current process.

To switch between Native Application Information and External Web/UI Applications, click the dropdown in the center.

External Web/UI Applications is currently only available for PAD.
  • Native Apps are applications that your RPA platform supports natively. 

Native Application Information - Table Glossary




Name of the Native Application accessed


Displays the assigned risk level of the Native App. The risk level can be modified by navigating to the Title Bar > Management dropdown > Native Apps. (see article 2.5.3)

Application Details

Displays various additional details for the given app


Displays the number of actions that interact with the given app


  • External Apps (Analyze - PAD Only) are applications that your RPA platform interacts with using generic actions (e.g., Run Application, Launch Browser). Some of these may overlap with Native App interactions.

External Application Information - Table Glossary



Custom Name

Displays the app's custom name. This must be entered manually by clicking the Web/UI Application value and providing the current version. This is useful when the app name found in the path does not indicate its specific purpose.

Web/UI Application

Displays the name of the web/UI application found in the URL or path. Click this value to add details, such as a Custom Name, Application Version, and any extra information in the Notes.


Displays the assigned risk level of the External App. The risk level can be modified by navigating to the Title Bar > Management dropdown > Native Apps. (see article 2.5.3)


Displays the version of the app. This must be entered manually by clicking the Web/UI Application value and providing the current version.


Full URL/Path that accesses the given Web/UI application


Displays the name of the subflow that accesses the current application


Displays the PAD line number that interacts with the current application


Displays any Notes the user would like to see. This must be entered manually by clicking the Web/UI Application value and providing the current version.

Compliance Tab

The Compliance tab displays information on all compliance violations for the current process

Table Glossary




Name of the Compliance Violation found


Description of the Compliance Violation


The threshold that must be met for the process to be considered as compliant


Severity of the Compliance Violation


Displays the findings for the current item, allowing the user to assess how close or far the process is from being compliant

Opportunities Tab

The Opportunities tab displays potential opportunities for reuse or cloud transformation in the current process.

The number of actions shown in the "Action" and "Actions that can be saved" columns can vary between different Flows. This happens because the "Actions" metric is the number of matching actions between Flows. However, the total number of matching actions can differ based on each Flow’s specific contents.


  • Process A has 10 actions that match with both Process B and Process C.
  • Process B has only 8 of those 10 actions that match with both Process A and Process C.
  • Process C has 14 matching actions in total, which include the 10 from Process A and the 8 from Process B.

So, although the Flows share actions, the total number of actions can be different because one Flow may contain more or fewer matching actions than another.


Card Glossary



Reusable [Subflows/Sub-Processes/Pages]

Number of Subflows we recommend to be reused, either because they are exact duplicates or very close



[Action/Activity/Stage] Savings

The total number of actions the flow could be reduced by if reuse is implemented

Estate [Action/Activity/Stage] Savings

The number of actions the estate could be reduced by if reuse is implemented


Percentage of Cloudable actions

Cloudable [Subflows/Sub-Processes/Pages]

Number of Subflows whose Cloudable percentage exceeds the CloudableThreshold

Cloudable [Actions/Activities/Stages]

Number of actions in the flow that are Cloudable

Graphs Legend

Subflows with Highest Reuse Savings

Top 5 Subflows with highest amount of savings that can be achieved through reuse

Cloudability of Largest Subflows

Top 5 Subflows with highest amount of Cloudability

All Flows Opportunities - Table Glossary




Name of the sub-process





Number of sub-processes that are a reuse match to the current sub-process.

Can be clicked to see list of all matches


Number of matching actions

[Actions/Activities/Stages] Saved

The total number of actions the flow could be reduced by if reuse is implemented

Cloudable [Actions/Activities/Stages]

 Number of actions in the flow that are Cloudable


Percentage of Cloudable actions


Native Applications interacted with in the sub-processes.

Reviews Tab

The Review tab enables users to collaborate and conduct manual reviews of their processes.

Review Status

Reviews can have 3 statuses

  1. Not Approved – Any process not in state Approved or Code Changed
  2. Approved – Any process that has been Approved by a user
  3. Code Change – If a newer version of the process is reimported, it should go through the review process again. Blueprint will automatically label newer versions of imported processes as a Code Change.


On the right side of the page, users can choose to:

  • Leave a Comment
  • Approve – Users can optional leave a comment on approval as well

Any action will be logged in the table on the left in chronological order.


Any user that Leaves a Comment or Approves is automatically added as a Reviewer. Users can also manually add other reviewers by clicking the whitespace in the Reviewers field and typing the name of a user in Blueprint.

Tests Tab

The Tests Tab allows users to create new Tests or see all existing Tests for the current process.

Table Glossary




Name of the Test


Test Status (PAD Only)

Only applicable for Automated Tests. Displays whether the Test is ON or OFF


Displays the type of Test (Automated, Manual, or AI Generated Manual)

Creation Date

Date the Test was created. Can be modified by clicking the Test value and manually adding a description.


Displays a custom description for the current Test. This must be entered manually by clicking the Test value.

Environment (PAD Only)

Only applicable for Automated Tests. Displays the PAD environment the Automated Test runs in


Number of Runs the Test has performed

Latest Run

Status of Latest Run (Succeeded, Failed, Not Available)


How to Create New Tests

  1. Click Create on the top right
  2. Select the type of test from the dropdown
    1. AI Generated Manual
    2. Automated (Analyze - PAD only)
    3. Manual
Create Manual Tests
  • AI Generated Manual – Requires user to set up their GenAI Settings.
    • Blueprint’s trained AI model will analyze the current process and generate Tests, Test Steps, and a Description for your manual test.
  • Manual
    • User will be prompted to provide Test Steps and a Description for their test.

Submit a Manual Test Run
  1. Fill out the “Manual Test Run” fields on the right, including:
    1. Start Date
    2. Test Result
    3. Add any comment or notes that should be added
    4. Click Submit

Runs Tab

The Runs Tab displays data on the Runs associated with the given process, provided there is an associated Test.

Table Glossary




Result of the test (Succeeded, Failed)


Only applicable for Automated Tests. If Failed, displays the specific Test Case that failed


Name of the Test


Displays the type of Test (Automated, Manual, or AI Generated Manual)


Start datetime of the Run

PAD Last Modified Date (PAD Only)

Last modified Date of the PAD Flow

Owner (PAD Only)

Owner of the PAD Flow



Only applicable for Automated Tests. Percentage that displays the total actions in the flow that were executed in the Test Run

Environment (PAD Only)

Only applicable for Automated Tests. Displays the PAD Environment the Automated Test runs in

Log (PAD Only)

Only applicable for Automated Tests. Click to see a sequential list of all actions that executed in the current Run. Also displays if the action has an associated Assert, and if the Assert Succeeded or Failed

Successful Asserts

Only applicable for Automated Tests. Displays the total number of Successful Asserts for the given Run

Failed Asserts

Only applicable for Automated Tests. Displays the total number of Failed Asserts for the given Run

Not Executed Asserts

Only applicable for Automated Tests. Displays the total number of Asserts that did not execute for the given Run

Diagrams Tab

The Diagram Tab displays the Blueprint-generated Process Diagram, Structure Diagram, and any custom diagram the user has created.

On import, Blueprint will automatically generate a Process Diagram and a Structure Diagram

  1. Structure Diagram - Displays the entire process call tree and provides detailed information on each individual sub-process.
    1. Features:
      1. Click each shape to view detailed information, including:
        1. Number of Actions
        2. Cloudability Opportunities
        3. Reuse Opportunities
        4. Number of Applications interacted with
        5. Risk Level
        6. Sensitive Data Detected ( )
      2. A thin, vertical bar on the right side of each shape is color-coded based on complexity.
      3. A legend located at the top left indicates:
        1. If a sub-process is reused multiple times within the call tree.
        2. If a sub-process is referenced but was not included during import.
        3. The complexity color coding.
      4. A "Center on Root" button, located at the top left, allows you to bring the root shape into focus quickly.
      5. Click the minus icon under any shape with dependencies to collapse the tree from that point on
  2. Process Diagram - A high-level process diagram detailing what the bot does. Users can click any shape to see more information about the specific process being represented. Users can also add or modify the Process Diagram using the BPMN Shape Library on the left side.
    1. AI Generated Diagram – A higher level process diagram
      1. Requires the user has set up their GenAI settings and has "Enable Diagrams" turned ON (see article 2.3.3)
    2. Blueprint Generated Diagram – A more technical process diagram

Users can also create custom Diagrams by clicking the Create button on the top right and using the provided Shape Library.

Note: On reimport of a new version, the existing Diagram will be overwritten unless the user has made edits to it. Edited documents will not be overwritten.

Flow Activity Tab (Analyze - PAD only)

The Flow Activity tab displays operational data on current PAD Flow, provided it has run in the connected Environment. For more information, see this article.

Users can choose different time ranges from the center dropdown.

Card Glossary



Total Runs

Total Runs of all Flows

Total Successful Runs

Number of Successful Runs

Total Failed Runs

Number of Failed Runs

Chart Glossary

Certain metrics are considered anomalous if they are +/- 3 standard deviations away from the mean. Metrics with Anomaly tracking will have a legend indicating Average and ±*3



Run History

Displays all Runs of the Flow in the selected timeframe

Total 5 Errors

Displays the top 5 most common errors. User can hover to see more details.

Queued Flows Duration

Displays queue time for all Flows in the selected timeframe

Execution Duration

Displays Execution Duration for all Flows in the selected timeframe


Displays CPU usage for all Flows in the selected timeframe


Displays Memory usage for all Flows in the selected timeframe


Table Glossary




For a given flow, certain metrics are considered anomalous if they are +/- 3 standard deviations away from the mean. If a run has 1 or more anomalous behavior found, this flag appears.


Name of the Flow


Datetime the run started


Status of the run (Succeeded, Failed)

Error Rate

The number of Failed Runs divided by Total Runs for the Period


Sum of Queue Time + Execution Time

Queued Duration

Time the flow spent in status Queued

Execution Duration

Total time for the Flow to execute


CPU usage


Memory Usage

Error List

If Failed, displays the error message


Machine that ran the Flow

Last Modified

Last Modified Date of the Flow


Mode of the Flow Run (Attended, Unattended, Local

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