TODO, Error, and Robin Mapping

Updated by Luka Koczorowski

TODO, Error, and Robin Mapping

If a user finds that they have a common TODO or Error across many exported bots, they can configure a global fix during export to avoid having to repair bots one by one. Also, in certain situations if a user isn't happy with particular output from Blueprint, they can override the exports behaviour.

Using Rules Dashboard

Rules dashboard is currently mostly read-only. The only available functionality is to enable rules or bulk delete rules.

Using CSV

  1. Export CSV

To start using the CSV Rules sheet, the user must export the Rules table to CSV. To do so, from the Rules dashboard, click Advanced -> Export Rules to CSV

Because this type of mapping is user driven, the CSV export will not have a row representing these Rule opportunities. The user will have to fill in all necessary rows.

  1. Configure Rules

Fill in the following columns:

  • Column A ("ScopeId") = Scope for Rule. Blank implies Instance level
  • Column B ("SourceActionType") = RUN_ROBINSCRIPT
  • Column C ("TargetActionType") = RUN_ROBINSCRIPT
  • Column H ("SourceActionSelector")  = TODO/ERR/Robin to replace
  • Column M ("TargetActionSelector")  = New Robin code
  • Column Y ("IsActive") = TRUE
  1. Import Rules CSV

To import rules, from the Rules dashboard, click Advanced -> Import Rules From CSV


Here is a sample export with TODO messages

Using the mapping below

Will result with the following export

How did we do?