
Updated by Sean Ellner

Upon importing any supported RPA file into Blueprint, an RPAImportLog file will be created. This file contains information on all processes and subprocess that have been imported.

In the case that all processes imported successfully, users will not need to reference this file.

However, if a process could not be imported for whatever reason, the RPAImportLog file will have an asterisk at the end of the file name. After opening the file, if any processes failed to import they will be at the top, along with the reason why the import failed. These failures are usually due to unsupported structures that are not supported by Blueprint's Common Object Model, like an infinite loop.

Specific to Blue Prism Imports

In Blue Prism, it's possible to construct processes with "Orphaned Stages", or stages that are disconnected from the process and will not execute on run time.

If the imported Blue Prism files have an Orphaned stages, RPAImportLog will have an asterisk after the name. Within the file, users can find Processes or Objects with Orphaned Stages by searching for "Warning - Orphaned Stages". These stages will be displayed by the name given to those stages in Blue Prism.

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