Variable Renaming and Initialization

Updated by Sean Ellner

Some organization might want to rename variables in bulk for all processes upon migration, or create new variables entirely in order to fit a new framework for their organization.

Variable Renaming and Initialization mapping template.pdf

- ​​RPA Framework Mapping.csv
- Mapping Sheet with Example Data.csv - Mapping Sheet with Environment variable.csv
- Only csv file format is accepted
- Not all columns need to be filled out for each mapping use case

Using Rules Dashboard

Custom Actions Rules dashboard is currently mostly read-only. The only available functionality is to enable rules or bulk delete rules.

Using CSV

  1. Export CSV

To start using the CSV Rules sheet, the user must export the Rules table to CSV. To do so, from the Rules dashboard, click Advanced -> Export Rules to CSV

Because this type of mapping is user driven, the CSV export will not have a row representing these Rule opportunities. The user will have to fill in all necessary rows.

  1. Configure Rules

For Variable Name Conversion, accepted formatting is:

  • Column A ("ScopeId") = Scope for Rule. Blank implies Instance level
  • Column G ("SourceActionName")  = VARIABLE_CONVERSION
  • Column L ("TargetActionName")= VARIABLE_CONVERSION
  • Column N ("SourceParameterName")= Name of variable in source file
  • Column R ("TargetParameterName")= Desired renaming
  • Column Y ("IsActive") = TRUE

To Initialize Variables:

All variables initialized in this way will be created in the highest available scope of the process so it can be accessible throughout.

Format for mapping sheet is:

  • Column A ("ScopeId") = Scope for Rule. Blank implies Instance level
  • Column G ("SourceActionName") = VARIABLE_INITIALIZATION
  • Column L ("TargetActionName") = VARIABLE_INITIALIZATION
  • Column R ("TargetParameterName") = Desired variable name
  • Column S ("TargetParameterDataType")
    • For PAD Exports
      • Leave blank, as PAD auto determines variable type based on context.
    • For UiPath Exports, only the following variable types are accepted:
      • String
      • Double
      • Decimal
      • Boolean
      • DateTime
      • DataTable
      • Byte
      • Bitmap
  • Column X ("DefaultValue")
    • For UiPath - Values should be a valid VB expression
  • Column Y ("IsActive") = TRUE

To Initialize Environment Variables:

Format for mapping sheet is:

  • Column A ("ScopeId") = Scope for Rule. Blank implies Instance level
  • Column B ("SourceActionType") = ENVIRONMENT_VARIABLE
  • Column C ("TargetActionType") = ENVIRONMENT_VARIABLE
  • Column G ("SourceParameterName") = Name of the variable in the source file
  • Column X ("DefaultValue") = Desirable Variable Value
  • Column Y ("IsActive") = Set to TRUE to map the values

To Transform Variables

Fill in the following columns:

  • Column Q ("SourceParameterValue") = Variable value to transform
  • Column U ("TargetParameterValue") = Value to change to

Map Action Selector

Fill in the following columns:

  • Column Q ("SourceParameterValue") = This column should be a list delimited by &#& which contains an exhaustive list of possible values for this parameter. Eg: START&#&STOP&#&INFO&#&WARN
  • Column U ("TargetParameterValue") = A list of same length as Column Q delimited by &#& which is a list of actions to map to. Eg. Logger.START&#&Logger.STOP&#&Logger.INFO&#&Logger.WARN
  1. Import Rules CSV

To import rules, from the Rules dashboard, click Advanced -> Import Rules From CSV

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