How to Change the Main Process Label

Updated by Sean Ellner

Blueprint will attempt to label all imported processes as either a Main process or a Sub-Process.

A Main is defined differently based on the type of RPA file imported

For UiPath the Main is defined in project.json file.
For Blue Prism the Main is the Main Page of an imported Blue Prism process.
For Automation Anywhere v10/v11 all roots are identified as Mains.

A Sub-Process is any process that is not a Main.

If you believe that a process has been incorrectly labeled as a Main or Sub-Process, you have the option to modify the label.

Process Editor

From within the process editor, users can switch processes between being labeled as either a Main or a Sub-Process by flipping the toggle at the top left.

Descendants View

Users can also edit Main or Sub-Process labels in bulk from the Descendants View. To do so, simply select the checkbox next to the processes you want to modify, click the actions dropdown, and choose either "Convert to Main" or "Convert to Sub-Process".

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