Azure App Registration (Power Automate Export)

Updated by Sean Ellner

These instructions are only relevant if you would like to export bots to Power Automate Desktop (PAD).

Blueprint integrates with Power Automate Desktop to accelerate and scale robot development and orchestration. Users can seamlessly export and upload aligned and prioritized business processes along with all related constraints into Power Automate Desktop, to provide robot developers with a head start and unparalleled visibility and context.

To enable export to Power Automate Desktop, you must first create an Azure App Registration.

  1. Navigate to the App Registrations section of the Azure Portal.
  2. Select New Registration at the top of the page.
  3. Name your app (e.g., "Blueprint-PAD Integration").
  4. Within the Supported Account Types section:
    1. Select Accounts in this organizational directory only.
  5. Within the Redirect URI (Optional) section:
    1. From the dropdown menu, select Single Page Application (SPA)
    2. In the text field, enter your Blueprint URL with a trailing slash (e.g.,
  6. Select Register at the bottom of the page.

  1. Your app should now be registered. You will need the enter the Application (client) ID and Directory (tenant) ID values into Blueprint to complete the configuration.

Required Permissions:

Once you've configured your Azure App Registration for Blueprint, users who are part of an organization's Azure Active Directory and already have access to the provided PAD environment won't need any additional permissions manually assigned. (For Default PAD environments, access is automatically granted to everyone by default.)

During the configuration process in Azure App Registration, the only permission required is Microsoft Graph -> User.Read. This permission is automatically created by default and can be located under the API Permissions tab.

Blueprint will request additional permissions the first time a user attempts to export to PAD. Users will need to accept these permissions to export to PAD.

The two permissions Blueprint requests are:
Flows.Read.All: To retrieve the available environments
user_impersonation: To retrieve or upload flows to Dataverse

Admin Permission Required:

Some organization may encounter the "Need admin approval" error.

This issue can be solved one of two ways if you are an Azure Admin:

  1. In your Azure Portal, navigate to Enterprise Applications > Consent and Permissions > User Consent
    1. If setting "User consent for applications" is set to "Do not allow user consent", consider switching to "Allow user consent for apps from verified publishers, for selected permissions (Recommended)"

If option 1 is not a possibility for your organization:

  1. In your Azure Portal, navigate to Enterprise Applications > click your Blueprint app registration > Permissions
    1. Click the blue "Grant admin consent for" button

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