Blue Prism VBO Matching on Import

Updated by Sean Ellner

On Blue Prism Import, Blueprint will find matches within extended/custom objects to standard objects to increase mapping percentages. This is because Blueprint has a repository of standard Blue Prism VBOs and pages. Rather than crack into each page and export them as their own process, most VBO pages behave as an action or set of actions in other RPA tools, so Blueprint will match the VBO page to their corresponding action to improve mappings.

  • For example, an extended VBO named "Excel VBO v2" can be mapped to the standard VBO "MS Excel VBO". For all pages within "Excel VBO v2" that match the pages in "MS Excel VBO" (like Launch Excel, Write to Excel, etc.), Blueprint will reference it's own repository for those commands to increase mapping percentage.

Objects with matches to Standard VBOs will be indicated with an arrow () followed by text indicating what the matched Standard VBO was.

Matched pages within the matched Object will be indicated with bold text.

These processes do NOT need to be imported and are unchecked by default because Blueprint will simply use the corresponding action that matches the page.

Check/Unchecked Behavior

  • If Match and Unchecked- Page will not import. Page will be converted to an action.
  • If Match and Checked- Import Page as a process.
  • If no Match and Checked - Import Page as a process.
  • If no Match and Unchecked - Page will not import and will result in TODO.

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