Missing Processes Report

Updated by Sean Ellner

The Missing Processes Report displays a table with references to called sub-processes that cannot be found in the selected scope in Blueprint. This can help users identify if a process was missing any components on import. Users can then import those processes to get a more accurate Value Mapping of their processes as a whole.

To access the report:

  1. Navigate to Statistics Dashboard page:
    1. Choose RPA Dashboards and Reports dropdown in the main header, then click Statistics.
  2. Select the Per Process View from the Views dropdown.
  3. Select the desired scope on the top right by clicking Change Scope and click on OK. For more information on selecting a scope, please see Selecting a Scope in Dashboards.
  4. Select Missing Processes Report from the center dropdown


Below are the columns headers and what they represent:

  • Process Name: The name of the process that has a reference to a missing process.
  • Shape Name: The Blueprint process shape that is calling the missing process
  • Missing Reference Name: The name of the process being called that is missing.
Note: In the case of Blue Prism imports, this may be an Object or Process. If the missing call refers to an Object, the Object name and Page name will be displayed in this column instead.


This report can also be exported to an excel file for further analysis. To download the report

  1. Click on Actions button
  2. Select Export to Excel
  3. Navigate to the Jobs tab on the top banner
  4. Navigate to the jobs tab and click on Import/Export tab
  5. Click on Download icon on the right side of the row.

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