User List

Updated by Sean Ellner

The User List Report page in the Admin Portal provides information to Admins regarding users created within the Blueprint instance. Useful for tracking who has access to the product, if they are active, and what roles/groups they were assigned.

Columns can be filtered/sorted as needed, and the table can be exported to excel by clicking Actions > Export to Excel


Below are the columns headers and what they represent:




Blueprint username


User's display name


Email on the user profile (if provided)


Title on the user profile (if provided)


Department on the user profile (if provided)

Groups Assigned

All groups the user directly is assigned to

Instance Role

Name of Instance Role

Project Admin of Groups

Groups that the user has a Project Admin role in

Creation Date

When the user was created

Last Login Date

Last time the user was logged in

Login Status

Whether the user is Enabled, Disabled, Deleted, or Lacking Permissions in the system

Deleted Date

If the user was deleted, the date of deletion

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