Call Tree

The enhanced Call Tree feature now allows users to view the Call Tree in a modal window and export it in a xlsx format. This article provides a step-by-step guide on how to access and download the Call Tree using three different entry points. Additionally, it explains the components included in the Call Tree and their significance.

Components of a Call Tree:

The call tree presents a hierarchical view of a bot starting with the Main or Root process and showing all the components that are called directly and indirectly. There are different types of components as indicated by the legend:

  1. Process: A normal Blueprint process.
  2. Reusable Component: A Blueprint process that is reused by other Blueprint processes (i.e. called multiple times) and does not call any other Blueprint processes.
  3. Missing Component: Calls to components that have not been imported to Blueprint and are therefore unavailable/unknown.

How to view and Download a Call Tree:

View and download from the Main Process Editor
  1. Navigate to the Process Editor.
  2. Select the desired process.
  3. Under the Actions dropdown, choose "Export Call Tree."
  4. To download the Call Tree, click on the "Export" option.
  5. An Export pop up appears.
  6.  Navigate to Jobs - Import/Export page to download the report.

View and download from the Dashboards
  1. Navigate to RPA Dashboard
  2. Set the desired scope by clicking on "Change Scope" and selecting the appropriate options. Click "OK."
  3. Expand the advanced dropdown.
  4. Click on "Export Call Tree" option.
  5. To download the Call Tree, click on the "Export" option.
  6. An Export pop up appears.
  7. Navigate to Jobs - Import/Export page to download the report.

View and download from the Statistics Dashboard > Main Report, or the Estimator Dashboard
  1. Navigate to RPA Dashboard and select with Statistics or Estimator
  2. Set the desired scope by clicking on "Change Scope" and selecting the appropriate options. Click "OK."
  3. For Statistics, select "Mains" report from the Center dropdown.
  4. Locate the "Call Tree" column, which contains a call tree icon for each main process (far-right).
  5. Click on the tree icon for which you want to view the Call Tree.
  6. To download the Call Tree, click on the "Export" option.
  7. Navigate to Jobs - Import/Export page to download the report.

For processes comprising more than 200 shapes, we opted to generate a report directly instead of generating a call tree.

Excel Report:

The exported excel sheet includes following details:

  1. Blueprint Process ID appears to the left of each process name.
  2. The levels of indentation represent the call tree hierarchy.
  3. Legend for Missing Components, and Reusable Components is included in column H. Cells representing missing components are colored in red while those representing reusable components are colored in blue.
  4. For missing components, the Process ID appears in square-brackets and is the ID of the process that is calling the missing component.

Example CallTree Excel Report: Call tree excel.xlsx

For Blue Prism files, processes and reusable components are identified Processes and Objects.
For Automation Anywhere files, .atmx files are identified as processes and metabots are identified as reusable components.

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