Using Rules

Updated by Luka Koczorowski

Rules Overview

At a high level, the process is as follows:

  1. Use Blueprint's Rules Generation for a given scope to get a list of all Rules opportunities
  2. Use the Rules UI or CSV Mapping sheet and define rules to apply to future exports
  3. Upload completed CSV sheet or save changes in Rules UI
Rules can be generated at the Project level or at the Instance level.

Accessing Rules

Via Dashboard

The dashboard is the primary way to interact with Rules via the UI. Here you can generate, enable, configure, and delete rules. To access the Rules Dashboard:

  1. Click on Tools from the main header
  2. Select Rules


The CSV option is recommended only for Rules Power Users.

With CSV mappings, users have virtually limitless ability to create and modify rules to their exact needs and specifications. See Using Rules CSV for more detail.

Step 1: Set the Scope

A Rule's "Scope", is the set of processes where the rule will be applied. The scope can be either a project or entire Blueprint instance. When using a project as a scope, the rule will apply to all applicable processes within the project. This flexibility allows users to haven different rule sets for different projects.

When Rules is first launched from the dashboard, users will be asked to set a Scope. After this initial setting, users can change Scope by clicking the Change Scope button in the top right of the page.

The Scope can only be set at the Project level and will display and generate Rules for that Project.

Step 2: Generate Rules

Generating Rules will prepopulate the Rules table with all potential Rules that Blueprint has discovered for the selected Scope. To generate Rules:

  1. From the Rules dashboard, click the blue report header in the center and choose the appropriate source RPA tool to PAD.
  1. Click the Advanced button in the top right corner
  2. Select Generate Rules

When the job completes, users can refresh the page to see generated Blueprint Rules.

All Rules are created in a disabled state by default. Upon completion of Rule configuration, the Rule can be enabled. For more information, see Enable Rules.

Step 3: Configure Rules

Rule Categories

Each Rule category has its own tab in the Rules dashboard. These categories also depend on the source RPA platform where bots were imported from. Here a user can configure each Rule to their specification.




Blueprint Rule Auto-Generation

Custom Actions

Custom Actions consist of any 3rd party dependencies, project libraries, custom activities, and Method Invocation.



Any time a XAML file is called more than once, instead of having carbon copies are for each automation, you can create a single copy


Code Replace

Replace TODO messages, Errors, and Robin code with replacement Robin code.


Unresolved References

Whether the dependency is missing, or using a variable expression as the name, Rules can help stitch your dependencies back together


Work Queues

Need to Map Work Queue ID and Name to execute Work Queues


CSV Only

Unmapped Actions can only be done via CSV file for UiPath


Automation Anywhere v10/11/A360



Blueprint Rule Auto-Generation

Custom Actions

Custom Actions consist of any 3rd party dependencies, custom packages, and any unmapped actions. See Unmapped Activities to migrate these assets using Rules



Any time a task bot or metabot is called more than once, instead of having carbon copies are for each automation, you can create a single copy


Code Replace

Replace TODO messages, Errors, and Robin code with replacement Robin code.


Unresolved References

Whether a task bot is missing or using a variable expression as the name, Rules can help stitch your dependencies back together


Initialize Variables

Initialize variables and assign values to variables before your main bot executes


Blue Prism



Blueprint Rule Auto-Generation

Custom Actions

in the rare occasion that a dependency is missing Blueprism users can use Unmapped Activities to map these activities



Any time a Process or VBO is called more than once, instead of having carbon copies are for each automation, you can create a single copy


Code Replace

Replace TODO messages, Errors, and Robin code with replacement Robin code.


Unresolved References

Whether the dependency is missing, or using a variable expression as the name, Rules can help stitch your dependencies back together


Environment Variables

Initialize variables and assign values to variables before your main bot executes


Work Queues

Need to Map Work Queue ID and Name to execute Work Queues


Other Mappings



Blueprint Rule Auto-Generation

Action Selector Mapping

When mapping to a custom action, sometimes a specific parameter is used as an action selector.


Step 4: Enable Rules

Once Rules have been configured, the next step is to enable them. Once enabled, for every future export, the Rules will be applied. How Rules apply will depend on their Scope.

Reminder: Rules can be generated at the Project level or the Instance level.

Next: Common Procedures

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