Licensing in Blueprint

Updated by Tony Higgins

There are different licensing enforcement models that Blueprint supports namely Bot Licensing, Action Licensing, or Digital Blueprint Licensing.

Checking which type of license model you have

To see which type of license model you have, in the Administrator select "System Reports" and look in the tab called "License & Activity Reporting". In the section "License Status" you will see the License Type as being either Bot, Action, or Digital Blueprint.

How Licenses are Consumed

For all the license types, licenses are consumed when Blueprint Processes are "Activated". The next sections describe the ways in which you Activate processes, the various messages generated when licenses run low or are exhausted, and how to replenish them.

The quantity of licenses consumed when processes are activated depends on the license type as follows:

Bot Licenses

When the license type is "Bot", the number of licenses consumed after processes are activated is as follows:

  • Activating the Blueprint processes for one UiPath Process consumes one Bot license
  • Activating the Blueprint processes for one Blue Prism Process consumes one Bot license
  • Activating the Blueprint processes for one Automation Anywhere 'Automation' consumes one Bot license

Action Licenses

When the license type is "Action", the number of licenses consumed when a process is activated equals the number of Actions in that process. Blueprint Actions consist of Commands, Variables, Decisions, and Includes. These are the fundamental components of code that Blueprint analyzes and converts, which is why they are the basis for Action licensing. In the Statistics Dashboard you'll see these numbers for every Blueprint Process, and they are summed together to give total Actions for the process.

Digital Blueprint Licenses

When the license type is "Digital Blueprint", a license is consumed for every 400 process steps within a set of interconnected Digital Blueprints (i.e. activated Blueprint processes).

Once licenses are consumed they cannot be restored. For example processes cannot be 'un-activated', and deleting activated process does not 'release' licenses.

How do I activate Blueprint processes?

Activate Individually

Blueprint Processes can be activated one at a time by hitting the blue "Activate" button at the top of the Process Editor when the process is open.

Activate in bulk using Descendents View

If you select a project or folder that contains processes then choose "Descendents View" by clicking the "Artifact Editor" drop-down button at top-right, you'll then see the contents of the project/folder listed. You can then 'check' any number of processes you'd like to activate and click "Actions > Activate Digital Blueprint" to activate all those selected.

When you select a project, folder, or process and choose "Export to <RPA tool>" at top-right, in the dialogs that follow you'll be given the option to Activate any processes that have not yet been activated. Using this method ensures that only those processes exported/migrated will consume licenses. Note: if you select a process for this operation, that one process will need to be activated individually (see above) before the export option will be available.

There is also the option, enabled by your administrator, to automatically activate all processes as they are imported. This is only recommended in situations where you have unlimited licenses (e.g. enterprise license agreement) or you're certain that all imported processes will be migrated and consume licenses regardless. If either of these is the case, and this option is enabled, then process Activation will no longer be a user concern.

To enable this setting go to Administration > Instance > Advanced Settings > Instance Settings > Import & Export (see below)

What if import the same process and Activate it multiple times?

When importing RPA data Blueprint detects if the identical component had been imported before. It will be flagged as a 'duplicate', separated out on the dashboard statistics, and will not consume additional Action licenses if/when activated.

Do 'Hidden Steps' consume licenses?

Some RPA tools allow you to disable or 'hide' code steps. Since Blueprint doesn't migrate these, they do not contribute to the Action count and do not consume licenses.

How do I check how many licenses are available?

In the Blueprint Administration console, with the "System Reports" area, you'll find a page called "License & Activity Reporting" that will show total licenses installed, how many that have been used, and expiry data (if any).

The downloadable .csv file also breaks down license consumption information by Blueprint Project.

Refer to License and Activity Reporting for more information.

Licenses running low warning

When you attempt to Activate processes and the number of remaining licenses is low (e.g. approximately 80% consumed) Blueprint will display a warning message indicating that you may want to consider adding more licenses.

Out of Licenses

When you attempt to Activate processes that require more licenses than you have available, you'll receive an error message indicating that you don't have enough licenses for the operation and none of the processes will be activated.

Acquiring More Licenses

To acquire more licenses for your organization contact Blueprint Support.

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