Import & Export

Updated by Alek Ohanian

Digital Blueprints Activation

Enabling or disabling the following settings controls whether or not Digital Blueprints (DGB) are automatically activated when imported through the core application, Task Capture, or the REST API. For more information about DGBs and activation, see Digital Blueprints.

  • Automatically Activate Digital Blueprints upon Import
  • Automatically Activate Digital Blueprints from Blueprint Task Capture
  • Automatically Activate Digital Blueprints from Blueprint API

RPA Settings

  • Disabled RPA Code: By default, this option is turned off since Blueprint doesn't migrate disabled code from source RPA tools. However, users may find it valuable as a reference during post-migration bot completion. If desired, enabling this option will migrate disabled code to your target RPA platform as TODOs.
  • Migrate Passwords: By default, this option is disabled as Blueprint does not import or migrate sensitive data from source RPA tools. However, organizations that decide it's acceptable to migrate sensitive data can enable this option. When enabled, Blueprint will import and migrate any sensitive data to your target RPA platform.

Excel Import, Update, and Export


  • Excel Import Artifact Limit: Defines the maximum number of artifacts that can be created during a single import.
    • Default: 1000
    • Minimum: 1
    • Maximum: 1000
  • Excel Import Children Limit: Defines the maximum number of child artifacts that can be created under any one parent artifact during a single import.
    • Default: 300
    • Minimum: 1
    • Maximum: 1000


  • Enable Excel Update: Controls whether artifacts can be updated as part of an import. Enabled by default.
  • Excel Update Artifact Limit: Defines the maximum number of artifacts that can be updated during a single import.
    • Default: 2000
    • Minimum: 1
    • Maximum: 2000


  • Excel Template Artifact Limit: Define the maximum number of artifacts that can be exported at one time using a single template.
    • Default: 2000
    • Minimum: 1
    • Maximum: 2000

Visio Shape Mapping

See Visio Mapping for more information about this feature.

  • Enable Visio Shape Mapping: Controls whether custom Visio shape types can be mapped to existing shape types in Blueprint's shape repository. 
  • Upload Mapping File: Upload a shape mapping file (XLSX format).

Bulk Reimport/Calc

See Bulk Reimport/Recalculate for more information about this feature.

Admins will have the option to toggle whether Reimport and Keep is visible in the Bulk Reimport/Recalculate modal. This option is toggled OFF by default.

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