Project Administrator Roles and Privileges

Project Administrator Roles are a set of privileges at the project level that you can assign to users so they can access and manage specific aspects of Blueprint projects. They offer you a powerful way to control access to the project, and to define the project's contents.

You can use Project Administrator Roles to define various levels of access based on your team or organization's needs and then assign users and groups to the appropriate Project Administrator Roles.

The following are the different Project Administrator Roles and their descriptions:

Project Groups and Project Roles



View Project Groups Project Roles, and Project Role Assignments

View project groups and project roles.

Manage Project Groups Project Roles, and Project Role Assignments

Create, edit, and delete project groups, project roles. Assign project groups and project roles to one another.

Project Configuration



View Project Configuration

View all project configurations, except access information or integration settings.

Manage Project Configuration

Edit all project configurations, except access information or integration settings.

Integration Settings



View Integration Settings

View native integration settings.

Manage Integration Settings

Edit native integration settings.

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