Admin - RPA Settings

Updated by Sean Ellner

In the Admin Portal under RPA Management, you’ll find the RPA Settings section. Here, users can access various miscellaneous settings to fine-tune parameters related to RPA Migration.



Migrate Disabled Code

Blueprint by default does not migrate disabled RPA code. However, some users may find that code beneficial as a reference when finishing off a migration.

  • If enabled - Disabled RPA code will migrate to PAD as TODO comments.
  • If disabled (Default) - Disabled code will not migrate at all


Migrate Passwords

Blueprint does not allow for the import and migration of passwords by default due to security concerns. However, if users wish, they can enable the “Migrate Passwords” toggle.

  • If enabled - Allows Blueprint to import, securely store, and migrate passwords to their designated source tool.
  • If disabled (Default) - Passwords will not be imported, stored, or migrated


Bulk Reimport/Recalculate

After upgrading to a new Blueprint version, we strongly advise users to reimport their processes to leverage Blueprint's latest mappings and enhancements. Similarly, for users planning to utilize the Estimator Dashboard, it is highly recommended to recalculate their processes to obtain estimates based on the newest data.

Users have the option to Reimport and Replace or Reimport and Keep. By default, Blueprint only displays the option to Reimport and Replace. However, if users wish to keep all version of an import, they can check the Reimport and Keep toggle.

  • Reimport and Replace (Recommended)(Default) - Will reimport the selected project as a new project. After a successful reimport, the now outdated, original project will be deleted.
  • Reimport and Keep - Will reimport the selected project as a new project. The now outdated, original project can be kept for reference. This is only recommended for users with smaller estates, as this may eventually fill up the database with outdated processes.

Export Wizard Options


Call or Embed (Power Automate Desktop)

Users can also choose in the Call or Embed Settings dropdown between System Recommended or Call Everything. Select Call Everything if you would like all sub-processes to be called, regardless of usage or size. The default selection is System Recommended.

If files have a sub-processes included in the export job, Blueprint can identify the hierarchy and allow users to have those sub-processes remain as separate processes that are called, or can allow the user to embed those sub-processes into the parent process. By default System Recommended will determined whether to call or embed each sub-process depending on a variety of factors.

Embedding sub-processes comes with the benefit of making the resulting process more readable. For Example, let's say we are migrating from Blue Prism to Power Automate Desktop. Blue Prism uses Objects, that are often only a few commands that are meant to be reused in various processes. Instead of migrating a process with dozens of calls to sub-processes with only a handful of commands within each, we can merge those all into the parent process for easier readability.

Not all processes can be embedded. By default, a sub-process must be less than 50 steps and a parent process must end up with less than 500 steps. This can be changed by adjusting the Sub Process Embed Limit and the Parent Embed Limit respectively.


Enable Variable Prefix

In order to avoid variable collision, whenever a sub-process is migrated to Power Automate Desktop, the user will have the option to remove variable prefixes. This is because all variables in Power Automate Desktop are treated as global variables.

To ensure that variables aren't overwriting values outside of their scope, we enable variable prefixes by default. However, users can change the default value via the checkbox Enable Variable Prefix.

These prefixes are created by taking the first letters of the subflow name.

  • For example: subflow "Process Invoices" has a variable called "Config". If Variable Prefixes are toggled ON, in the subflow "Process Invoices" the variable will be renamed to "PI_Config"

If users are confident that their processes won't contain variable naming conventions that might cause collisions, toggling this option off might increase readability and lessen maintenance work in the future.

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