Introduction to Rules

Updated by Sean Ellner


Blueprint Rules enables users to extend Blueprint's core migration tool to meet their specific needs. The six main use cases for using Rules are the following;

  • Unresolved References
    • Missing bot files or dependencies
    • Variable/Expression references to bot files or dependencies
  • DLL / Method Invocations
    • Custom classes from DLL assemblies
    • Static methods on target objects or types
  • Code Replace, TODO, Error, and Default Settings
    • Apply common repairs to TODOs/Errors across entire estate
    • Replace code with different code
  • Custom Actions/Libraries & Unsupported Actions
    • Add support for 3rd party and custom actions/libraries
  • Map to Existing Migration
    • Adapt Blueprint migration to situations where some manual migration is also occurring
  • Variable Initialization / Transformation
    • Variable manipulation during export

Platform Specific Rules

For each platform, the following can be mapped:

  • AA v10/11: MetaBots, and TaskBots that are called repeatedly
  • AA 360: TaskBots, Custom Actions
  • Blue Prism: Processes, VBOs, and DLL invocations.
  • UiPath: XAMLs, Custom Activities, Project Libraries, Method Invocation

High Level Process

At a high level, the process is as follows:

  1. Use Blueprint's Rules Generation for a given scope to get a list of all Rules opportunities
  2. Using the Rules UI or CSV Mapping sheet, define rules to apply to future exports
  3. Upload completed CSV sheet or save changes in Rules UI

Things to Keep in Mind

User Permissions

If a mapping exists on Digital Blueprints or Flows out of your permission scope, neither will not be considered during your export.

RPA Dashboard Scope When Exporting

Only Digital Blueprints within your selected scope in RPA Dashboards will be considered when looking for rules opportunities or when exporting.

Limit on RPA Dashboard Scope When Exporting

There is a hard limit of 2000 Digital Blueprints when exporting to PAD. If a user needs to export more than 2000 Digital Blueprints, exporting will have to be performed in batches.

Next: Using Rules

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