Search for Artifacts

Updated by Chris Kosmopoulos

There are different ways to search for artifacts depending on the information you have available.

Search for an Artifact with the Artifact ID

When you know the artifact ID of the artifact you want to access:

  1. Click the Go To feature () in the main header and enter the artifact ID for the artifact you want to access, and then press Enter.
  2. The artifact you searched for is displayed in the main content area.

Search for an Artifact with the Artifact Name

When you are not sure of the artifact ID for the artifact you want to access:

  1. Enter the artifact name or a keyword from the artifact name in the Search Open Projects field in the main header and then press Enter.
  2. Blueprint queries all the projects you have open in the Explorer. Click the artifact ID link in the Search Results modal to display the artifact you were searching for in the main content area.

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