Working with Large Processes

Updated by Chris Kosmopoulos

Some imported processes in Blueprint may be so large, that it may exceed the shape load limit Blueprint has in place. When this happens, you will not be able to view the process in the Process Editor. However, this doesn't mean that the process cannot be edited.

You can still edit properties, trace, and reuse these processes from within the Descendants View.

  1. Select the parent artifact of the process, access the Descendants View, and locate the large process.
  2. From here you can edit any of the properties that have the pencil icon next to them (i.e., name, description, etc.)
  3. You can also use bulk edit, reuse, or trace from within the Actions dropdown menu in order to conduct edits as well
When the number of shapes in a process exceeds a certain limit, Blueprint does not support loading the process. This can be changed my modifying the ProcessShapeLoadLimit setting in the ApplicationSettings table in the Blueprint database.

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