Add an Image to Support a System State

Updated by Chris Kosmopoulos

You can add an image to a system state to visually illustrate it and complement the verbal description.

These images are typically mockups of a user interface, but could be other visuals, such as a sequence diagram. 

Images on a system state become attachments on generated user story artifacts, making them available to development and testing teams. For more information, see the User Stories article.

To add an image to support a system state:

  1. Click the (…) on the task.
  2. In the Additional Detail window, You can paste an image from clipboard (Control V), or upload from a file by either clicking on the placeholder or click Add Image.
  3. From your file manager, select a PNG or JPG image file.
  4. Click OK.
The image cannot exceed 7 MB in size.

From the Additional Detail window, you can also view, download, and delete the image.

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