RPA Export Wizard Options

Updated by Sean Ellner

When migrating an RPA process from one tool to another, a wizard will appear upon export with a variety of options the user can select to modify how they want their output to look.

For a walkthrough on how to export using Blueprint, please refer to: RPA Export from Blueprint

Some tools have specific options that can be managed in order to change the way the export is performed.

Variable Prefix (Power Automate Desktop)

In order to avoid variable collision, whenever a sub-process is migrated to Power Automate Desktop, the user will have the option to remove variable prefixes. This is because all variables in Power Automate Desktop are treated as global variables.

To ensure that variables aren't overwriting values outside of their scope, we enable variable prefixes by default. However, users can change the default value in Admin Portal > RPA Management > RPA Settings > Export Wizard Options.

These prefixes are created by taking the first letters of the subflow name.

  • For example: subflow "Process Invoices" has a variable called "Config". If Variable Prefixes are toggled ON, in the subflow "Process Invoices" the variable will be renamed to "PI_Config"

If users are confident that their processes won't contain variable naming conventions that might cause collisions, toggling this option off might increase readability and lessen maintenance work in the future.

Note: There are some situations where Blueprint can identify that variable collision will be an issue when migrating to PAD. In these cases, variable prefixes are added automatically.

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