How to Use the Statistics Dashboard

Updated by Sean Ellner

This dashboard provides analytics about a set of imported processes  

To access the dashboard:

  1. Choose RPA Dashboards and Reports dropdown in the main header, then click the Statistics.
  2. Click the View dropdown and select either Per Process View or Per Call Tree View. This will change the available reports in the center dropdown.
  3. Select the desired scope on the top right by clicking Change Scope and click on ok. For more information on selecting a scope, please see Selecting a Scope and View in Dashboards.

How to use:

  1. Features available on the Statistics Dashboard include:
    1. Total Actions: This is the combined number of Commands and Variables the Digital Blueprint has.
    2. Total Processes: The total number of processes in the selected scope.
    3. Refresh: There is a refresh button beside the “Change Scope” button that will retrieve the most current Digital Blueprint processes from the selected scope for analysis and display.
    4. Complexity of Processes Graph:  Shows a graph of every process in the selected scope in order of descending complexity. Complexity refers to the Cyclomatic complexity of a process. The user can hover over the bars on the graph to see which process it represents.
    1. Size vs Complexity: A scatter graph showing the “number of commands” vs “complexity” for the selected scope. Users can also click on the graph to expand it and hover their mouse over the dots to see which process the dots represent.
    1. Process Stats in Aggregate: Displays average, total and/or max (highest) metrics for all processes in the selected scope.
    The count for Duplicate Processes row only includes absolute duplicate processes, which are determined algorithmically on import. Duplicates are defined as the same bot being imported multiple times to Blueprint. The BotId from the source tool, time of creation, time of last edit, and contents must all be the same for a bot to be considered a duplicate.
  2. Statistics Report: The main reports displaying information in the Statistics Dashboard. Each report has a search functionality, can be sorted by column, and can be exported to excel via the Actions dropdown. There are multiple reports that can be viewed via the center dropdown:
    1. Statistics
    2. Application vs Process Report
    3. Code Blocks Report
    4. Copies Report
    5. Mains Report
    6. Missing Processes Report
    7. Reuse Report
Note - Blueprint will not show statistics for each processes deemed as duplicates. When importing RPA data Blueprint detects if the identical component had been imported before. It will be flagged as a 'duplicate', separated out on the dashboard statistics, and will not consume additional Action licenses if/when activated.

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