Application vs Process Report

The Application vs Process Report displays a table with counts of how many commands in each process are using the corresponding application within the selected scope.

To access the report:

  1. Navigate to Statistics Dashboard page:
    1. Choose RPA Dashboards and Reports dropdown in the main header, then click Statistics.
  2. Select the Per Process View from the Views dropdown.
  3. Select the desired scope on the top right by clicking Change Scope and click on OK. For more information on selecting a scope, please see Selecting a Scope in Dashboards.
  4. Select Applications vs Process Report from the center dropdown


Below are the columns headers and what they represent:

  • Name: The name of the process.
  • Total Number of Applications: Total number of apps a process in the selected scope is interacting with
    • Example: MS Excel, Web, etc.
  • Total Steps in Applications: Sum of steps utilizing applications that a process in the selected scope is interacting with.
    • Example: if a process interacts with MS Excel (3 steps) and Web (2 Steps) then the Total Interactions will be 5
  • All remaining columns display the number of steps for the corresponding application in the respective process.


How to Export:

This report can also be exported to an excel file for further analysis. To download the report

  1. Click on Actions button
  2. Select Export to Excel
  3. Navigate to the Jobs tab on the top banner
  4. Navigate to the jobs tab and click on Import/Export tab
  5. Click on Download icon on the right side of the row.

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