Common Procedures

Updated by Luka Koczorowski

How to Download Rules CSV

  1. Navigate to the Tools > Rules
  2. Select the scope that contains the processes you would like mapped
  3. Click the Advanced dropdown on the right side and select Export Rules to CSV to export a prepopulated .csv
This CSV is NOT your mapping sheet. It is only a list of mapping opportunities present in your selected scope. To activate any of these mappings, the Rules must be enabled

How to Upload Completed Rules CSV

  1. Users will need to fill out the CSV sheet first.
  2. Navigate to Tools > Rules.
  3. Click the Advanced dropdown on the right side and select Import Rules From CSV
  4. Clicking Choose File will bring up the file explorer to select your RPA Framework Mapping file.
Please Note:
- User must have the "View/Edit Instance Configuration" privilege to upload a mapping
- Only one mapping is valid at a time, and newly uploaded mappings will overwrite the previous one
- There must not be any blank rows between data in the filled out sheet
- Any new upload will wipe the existing mappings. Ensure to upload your entire mapping sheet each time.

How to Find Target Names and IDs in PAD

To complete a manual mapping users must fill in the following columns in their Rules CSV:

  • Column K ("TargetActionId") = PAD Flow ID
    • How to get the FlowID in Power Automate Desktop:
      1. Find your target flow under the "My Flows" tab in Power Automate Desktop
      2. Right-click on your target flow and click "Properties"
      3. Click "Details" tab
      4. Copy the guid under "Flow ID". The ID will in the following format: XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX where X is a hex digit (0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,A,B,C,D,E,F)
  • Column L ("TargetActionName") = The name of Flow in PAD
  • For every Input variable for the flow, perform the following as a separate row for each Input/Output:
    • Column P ("TargetParameterName") = PAD Variable Name
      • This is the value in "Variable Name" in the Input/Output section of the PAD Flow:
      • Column R ("TargetParameterType") = PAD Variable Type (e.g. INPUT/OUTPUT)
The External Name is just the name the variable appears as when using the Run Desktop Flow action in the main flow. It is not what should be used in the mapping file and is only for visual purposes within Power Automate.

Rule Types

DLL/Method Invocation

Since DLL or Method invocations have a dependency on DLL file(s) it is necessary to tell Blueprint where these DLLs are so they can be invoked, or if there is another action the user would like to take.

Detailed Article: DLL/Method Invocation Mapping

Custom Activities or Project Library Mapping

It is possible to create a custom mapping from bots in your source RPA platform to your target RPA platform. By providing a few details, you can map a UiPath Custom Activity, or Project Library to an existing bot, an auto-generated bot, or to an inline script.

Detailed Article: Custom Activity or Project Library Mapping

Mapping Unsupported Activities

On occasion an activity may not be supported by the target RPA platform. Before these scenarios would generate TODOs, but now we can map them.

Detailed Article: Unmapped Activity Mapping

Reuse Mapping

RPA Export can detect duplicate bots and gives the opportunity to export one instance of duplicates instead of a copy of every instance. This works for UiPath XAMLs, Blue Prism Processes and VBOs, and AA v10/11/360 Taskbots.

Detailed Article: Reuse Mapping

Manual Reuse Mapping

There may be times when a user wants to explicitly define a process or sub-process as its own standalone

Detailed Article: Manual Reuse Mapping

Script Mapping

There are some situations where a user may want to map a custom activity or DLL/method invocation to a code block within PAD. For example, it may not be feasible to recompile a UiPath custom activity and a substitute must be used.

Detailed Article: Script Mapping

TODO, Error, and Robin Mapping

If a user finds that they have a common TODO or Error across many exported bots, they can configure a global fix during export to avoid having to repair bots one by one. Also, if a user isn't happy with particular output from Blueprint, they can override the exports behaviour.

Detailed Article: TODO, Error, and Robin Mapping

Variable Name Dependency Mapping

Certain RPA platforms allow for variables or expressions when invoking dependencies. Power Desktop Automate for example, does not allow for sub-flow or external flow invocations to use variables. This mapping activity closes the gap.

Detailed Article: Variable Name Dependency Mapping

Metabot Mappings

For Automation Anywhere v11 to Power Automate Desktop, users can map their metabots to all exported processes that reference them.

Detailed Article: Framework Mapping - AA Metabots

Metabot Migration - Best Practices

Variable Renaming and Initialization

Some organizations might want to rename variables in bulk for all processes upon migration, or create new variables entirely.

Detailed Article: Variable Renaming and Initialization

Define Environment Variables

Some organizations might want to rename variables in bulk for all processes upon migration, or create new variables entirely.

Detailed Article: Variable Renaming and Initialization

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